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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 13

Chapter 13 


While it was only a managerial role for one of the farming projects, it was an unprecedented move

The secretary hesitated, saying, Mr. Tyler, would it be inappropriate

Olivia hadn’t expected this arrangement and held her breath for a moment

Tyler responded flatly, Contact him.He seemed unconcerned as he made the decision

The secretary conducted a background check on Jacob, and it turned out to be quite ordinary. His family hailed from a rural area, and while he had impressive grades in school, it didn’t necessarily justify being handed a managerial position at the prestigious Harris Group so easily

Mr. TylerThe secretary attempted to seek clarification again

Tyler looked directly at her, silencing her without a word

Olivia, stunned by the unexpected turn of events, stood there not knowing how to react. Tyler glanced at her, feeling no need to provide an explanation. She understood the situation perfectly

Overcome with a sudden impulse, Olivia started, Jacob-” 

He looked at her expectantly. However, she bit her lip and, in the end, refrained from saying what was on her mind

What she had wanted to say was that Jacob didn’t need the job. Yet, she understood that he did need it

Tyler knew this too, observing her silence. He then told his secretary, Let’s take a walk.” 

Naturally, Olivia trailed behind them as they strolled around the farm

Along the way, some of the staff recognized Tyler and stopped them, asking, Are you Mr. Tyler?” 

What position did the Harris family hold in Tide City? They were major philanthropists, ranked as the top philanthropists in Tide City’s education sector every year. Their reputation was wellknown. throughout the city

When the Harris family purchased the farm, the residents who lived there were concerned they might be forced to leave. However, to their surprise, they weren’t evicted. Instead, they were offered employment at the farm

It was widely understood that Tyler’s decision had made this possible, earning him the sincere. respect of the people at the farm

With a warm smile, Tyler confirmed, Yes, I am

One of the villagers eagerly presented him with a basket of cherries. Mr. Tyler, these cherries were grown in our orchard without any pesticides. They’re fresh. Please accept them.” 

Tyler expressed his gratitude and accepted the basket of cherries, inspecting the glistening fruit with 


Chapter 13 


Olivia, who was accustomed to seeing him behaving high and mighty, was surprised by his current attitude and acceptance of the gift


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