Winner Takes All

Chapter 73 I Come to Visit My Son-in-Law

The next morning,

The sun had just risen.

Jack got up early and went out for exercise with Brent.

Because of the injury, Jack temporarily stopped the hell-like training, but only carried out basic physical training.

But, Jack was still sweating at the end of the exercise.

Looking at Brent, whose upper body was naked, Jack wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "Brent, you are too strict with yourself."

Although Brent didn’t exercise as hard as Jack had done before,

But Brent had kept exercising for many years.

It was hard to stick to one thing for many years.

If it wasn’t for George’s presence that made Jack feel the threat of death, Jack would not have been so strict with himself.

Brent’s skin was bronze, and now there was sweat on it, shining in the sunlight.

Brent wiped the sweat from his chest and said with a smile, "Exercising is like sailing against the current. If you don’t advance, you will retreat. Therefore, I can’t slack off in it."

The two men came home talking and laughing.

Daisy was cleaning the living room.

As soon as she saw Brent’s upper body naked, Daisy’s face turned red. She screamed and lowered her head.

"What’s the matter?"

Brent was puzzled.

Jack raised his eyebrows, slapped Brent on the chest and whispered, "Daisy is a girl. Pay attention to what you wear."

Brent understood, then quickly covered his chest with his clothes and explained, "Daisy, I’m sorry. I, I didn’t mean it."

Daisy took a deep breath and said calmly, "I’m OK. Brent, your chest muscles are so great..."

Brent raised his eyebrows, scratched his head, and grinned, "Well, so are you."

Jack was speechless.

fool. Men’s and women’s chest

and said, "Take

he didn’t dare to disobey

don’t blame Brent.


in a low

Jack leaving, Daisy suddenly said, "Mr. Hughes, can I take a day off

day off? Do you have

for leave because his mother had just left the hospital and needed

he had to go to work, and

not very smart. Jack couldn’t expect Brent to take good care of

I have something important to

knew the current condition of Jack’s mother. Her hands were tightly intertwined. She bit her lip, "If not, it

for her to get this job. Her treatment was better than that of her peers, and Sophie was very nice to

this job very

look at Daisy’s hands, to be exact, the calluses on her

back early. Remember to call me



was more

Villa District,

out of the car and took a

so embarrassed. He glanced around and whispered, "Can you stop that? This is TM Villa District, not our old neighborhood. The

"Don’t talk nonsense."

her neck and said shamelessly, "I’m Jack’s mother-in-law. He bought some villas here. He

Kieran knew that Elissa couldn’t be persuaded, so he just stomped and

to the

the gate looked at each other and were

as security guards in TM Villa District were selected by the property management company. Anyhow, they could pick out

two security guards understood that Elissa and Kieran were not residents of TM Villa

Elissa and Kieran came

neck, pointed to a security guard and yelled, "You,

was reprimanded showed no

of things that poor relatives came here and looked for the rich people in TM

got angry just because of a reprimand, he was not professional

walked to Elissa and said with a smile, "Madam and sir. I’m sorry, but it’s our regulation that owners need to use their access cards if they enter our villa area. If there’re your relatives living in it, we have

Kieran looked at each other

tugged at Elissa’s

his hand and said to the security guard, "Don’t talk nonsense. Didn’t you see us carrying so many things? My son-in-law lives in it, and I

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