Winner Takes All

Chapter 16 The Breaking News Turned the Tides

Katherine returned home. Soaked from head to toes, she was so freaked.

As soon as she entered the house, her parents and her younger brother Tommy all stood up.

“You finally come back.” Elissa growled, “Why did you get pissed off? We just arranged a blind date for you.”

Katherine jerked slightly while staring at Elissa with shock, “Mum, do you know what happened?”

“I know. Tommy told me about that.”

Elissa pointed at Tommy, but her next words finally made Katherine cried, “What if you’re being touched? It’s a blind date after all. You would have done us a great favor if you didn’t end up like this tonight. If your blind date was a success, Tommy wouldn’t have to worry about his bride price anymore.”

“Mum, what did you take me as?” Katherine howled with tears in her eyes.

Kieran’s face had darkened as he glared at Elissa, “What nonsense are you spouting in front of our children?”

“She’s my daughter. Why can’t I criticize her?” Elissa got sarcastic as she placed her hands on her waist, “Since she has ruined her blind date, what should we do about Tommy’s bride price? Can’t I criticize her since she couldn’t even help her young brother?"

Elissa finally made Kieran speechless.

Katherine could felt that Ben had no idea what had happened in the restaurant. When she ran off at that time, Tommy probably only heard about another version of that scene from Ben.

Frustrated, she was going to explain clearly to them what had happened.

“Katherine, do you help me or not?”

Tommy suddenly cried out loud, “I am your biological younger brother after all. If you don’t help me, I won’t be able to marry Shirley. My life will be meaningless. I would rather die!”

“If Tommy is dead, we don’t wanna live anymore!” Elissa chipped in while breaking out into a wail of her own.

In an instant, the whole family was in a disaster.

As younger brother and mother were threatening to kill themselves, Katherine could only plopped down to the floor and cried out loud as she tugged her hair.

“Katherine, let me advice you. Since your mother and younger brother is in such a poor state, as a sister, you should endure somehow.” Kieran began solemnly, “Although your blind date partner Ben is not your type, you shouldn’t have run away after he has just touched you a little, am I right?”

the moment. ‘Was that just a

of the fact that her explanations would be useless no matter how

last shot. She began in a hoarse voice, “Dad, why don’t you buy Tommy a house in

Kieran’s face darkened.

with alien workers. How can the price increase? There is no way in hell! I would be retarded if I decide to buy a

you crazy? West Shantytowns is such a messed-up residential area, Shirley would never agree to us buying a house there,” Tommy quipped in, “We are real siblings

biting her lips so hard that they were almost

kind of place West Shantytowns was. She

price in West Shantytowns was relatively low, she could make up for Tommy’s bride price with the rest money if she bought a house

could do at the moment. Other than that, what

have to

stop your nonsense? You’re creating a mess in our

reprimanded them, “If there’s no other way

you come up with something? You’re just a teacher who can’t fork out large sum of money at

him a push. Kieran’s

off his future lineage. This was an act that was strongly against a person’s belief of filial piety. If this happened to him, it would be more torturing than asking him to kill himself.

his cheeks, “Then, I shall put down my pretense and borrow money

you don’t need to return those money

stared at her mother. Suddenly, she

would need to return anything they’ve borrowed.

would rather

was very bothered with what had happened last night, but Elissa’s words

were swollen as she cried. But she still dragged herself to

a housewife. She was able to secure herself an easy job like the front desk. She could make a measly three thousand yuan

would always take care of household expenses, so

three thousand yuan was all she had to cover her expenses.

taking out her phone to post a tweet:

she got many likes and encouraging comments, which made her less

tweet and found her

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