Under a Starless Sky

Under a Starless Sky

Authors:Ion Light
Genres:Science Fiction
Num Chapters:92
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Chapter 92

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Born into a world without stars, but carrying the memory of that other place- Jon finds himself navigating a strange sociology of myths manifest, all the while just learning to see in the dark. This is Jungian. This is Campbell's 'hero,' simply journeying to go home. This is a hero trying to find a voice where no one listens; a world of ghosts. It is in the darkness that Jon must learn to cultivate love and bring his light to bear alone, but not alone, as he is accompanied by his own ghost, his own love- a tulpa. A Tulpa Light. Loxy Isadora Bliss.

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Under a Starless Sky

Under a Starless Sky

92 Chapters

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