Troublemaker Boy

Chapter 24: 23

"You have me," Farrel walked over and hugged Ree's body tightly, "my wife."




Ree was silent in Farrel's arms for a while, until finally the woman came out of his reverie. Then pushing hard against Farrel's body who was holding him tightly, Ree glared at the man in front of him with a glint of anger in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" Ree growled, "I'm not your wife!"

"No, you're my wife. Your name is Aretha Maharani, not Ree Alison or something. You're my wife who went missing five years ago ..."

"You must be crazy! If I am your wife, why do I not know about you? Even before this we have met, and I still remember you with your future wife at that time, and now you can easily say that I am your wife?"

"Believe me, I just found this out recently. I lost most of my brain memory, and even now I can't remember everything clearly," Farrel gripped Ree's shoulder tightly, "I can prove it."

"This is impossible! I don't know you at all, we just met and you ..."

"Dave once told me you have amnesia too."

Farrell's words made Ree lift his face, staring at Farrel with a gaze that is difficult to interpret. Ree looked at Farrel's face, it felt so familiar. At first he felt strange, but as time went on, he felt closer.

"Dave also said that if you and Charles are not married ..." Farrell gently touched Ree's cheek which was flooded with tears, "what are you doubting?"

"This is not possible ... "

"No, in this world nothing is impossible."


"The first time I saw Dave, I saw myself. He was so much like me, he-"

"How can he be like you? Dave is Charles's son," Ree interrupted as he immediately walked back, "you make me confused."

Dave's son Charles?

"Dave the son of Charles?" asked Farrel doubtfully.

"Who are you?"

Farrel and Ree looked back together to find Charles, who had walked casually toward them. The look on the face of the man who was about twenty-eight was flat, but he had a hint of displeasure as he stared at Farrell.

"Her husband," Farrell replied defiantly.

Ree immediately turned to Farrell, staring at the man and Charles in turn. His thoughts were so chaotic, and there were so many things that shocked him today. Starting from Dave, until Farrel suddenly came to hug him and claimed to be her husband.

"Her husband?" Charles chuckled, "are you crazy?"

"No, I'm serious. Who are you?" said Farrel, staring at Charles's appearance from top to bottom, "ah. You must be Charles, right?"

opportunity to escape Charles, with Farrell's help. However, if it turns out that she is not Farrel's wife, then her and Dave's life will

here!" snapped

Farrel intercepted his wrist. The man pulled Ree behind him, then

Farrel Manggala

my name, Charles."

trembled, his thoughts were chaotic. Tears continued to flow from her lids, and her head began to ache. It felt like Ree's head was being hit by gravel, and

to give him a chance to stay awake. Ree could feel his consciousness slowly disappearing, and his body that fell to

lying on the floor, and the woman was

turned to look at Ree who was

die if

face met Farrell's face, already inflamed with emotion. "What right have

if you still

have me," Farrel




was silent in Farrel's arms for a while, until finally the woman came out of his reverie. Then pushing hard against Farrel's body

mean?" Ree growled,

Aretha Maharani, not Ree Alison or something. You're my wife who went

If I am your wife, why do I not know about you? Even before this we have met, and I still remember you with your future wife

and even now I can't remember everything clearly," Farrel gripped

you at all, we just

once told me you

face, staring at Farrel with a gaze that is difficult to interpret. Ree looked at Farrel's face, it felt so familiar. At first

said that if you and Charles are not married ..." Farrell gently touched Ree's cheek which


this world nothing


Dave, I saw myself. He

Charles's son," Ree interrupted as he immediately walked back, "you make me

Dave's son Charles?

son of Charles?"

"Who are you?"

face of the man who was about twenty-eight was flat, but he had a hint of displeasure

Farrell replied

immediately turned to Farrell, staring at the man and Charles in turn. His thoughts were so chaotic, and there were so many things that shocked him today. Starting from Dave, until Farrel suddenly came to

Charles chuckled, "are

you?" said Farrel, staring at Charles's appearance from top to bottom, "ah. You

then his gaze turned to Ree. He motioned the woman to immediately move away from Farrell, Ree, who understood Charles's dislike, began to hesitate. He has the opportunity to escape Charles, with Farrell's help. However, if it turns


intercepted his wrist. The man pulled

mess with me, Farrel Manggala Wdyatmaja!"

you didn't know my name, Charles." replied Farrel

her lids, and her head began to ache. It felt like Ree's

the pain in his head didn't seem to give him a chance to stay awake. Ree could feel his consciousness slowly disappearing, and his body that fell to the floor with his head hitting

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