Trapped with a Lawyer

Chapter 5 Caused Ella to Feel Inferior For A Moment

Ella Bo locked the door and leaned against it. Her tears fell down endlessly.

She cried for about two minutes and wiped her eyes dry. 'Ella, to marry Samuel is already what you want. Why are you still crying?

It is already a huge step between you and him to be able to stay silently next to him and watch him, isn't it?

Why are you having bad feelings now? If Samuel didn't get drunk that night, would he have slept with you? Would he have married you?'


On thinking that, she walked to the dresser, took out some tissue and wiped her tears away.

She flicked open her cellphone, the screen still showed the news page with the picture she had been looking at the whole night.

Emma looked all joyful while holding hands with handsome Samuel. They walked into a hotel room.

The smile on Samuel's face... also looked so happy and joyful.

Has she become the third wheel?

Tears came up again and she quickly wiped it away. She closed the web page and tried not to see the picture again.

She felt a little bit tired and went to the big bed which she had been sleeping on by herself all this time. Ella fell asleep soon.

The room was silent for a few minutes.

The door was opened from the outside. The man who walked in looked at the sleeping beauty and took a light step.

He walked to his bed. His bed sheets were either black or gray.

But now, out of nowhere, it was replaced with pink color. The sheets were spread neatly across the bed and did not fit with the room decor at all.

It looked like the woman had been crying, because her eyelids were reddish. She was putting one hand on her bump.

The air conditioner was set to a low temperature, even he could sense the coldness. But the woman wore nothing but a piece of maternity dress.

and spread the nicely

around, she kicked the sheet away and clumsily changed her pose.

This time, Ella felt that someone was putting

only had light sleep. She opened her eyes to see what was going on.

closed in silence. Ella was now fully

just saw Samuel. So the sheet on her was put by him then?

this possibility, Ella held tightly to the summer sheet and her face was lit up by happiness.

again, it was already five

of the bed, tidied up her hair a little

the second floor stairway.

at the man on the sofa who was working with his computer. For a moment,

Samuel who was

down her joy and walked slowly down along

her the moment she looked

see the pregnant woman who

Melody Han were busy preparing dinner. Upon seeing Ella, Mrs. Qi called out, "Ella, you go

early and would help around the kitchen, preparing vegetable. Clearly she was late today and the dinner was almost

fetch granny." She walked out of

focusing on his work. Ella walked as quietly as possible despite the fact that she seldom made any noise when walking. She hoped not to disturb him.

walked one step up when the man called out to her, "You just sit somewhere, I will go

with such a huge hump, it would be quite tiring to walk up and down the stairs

'He heard my steps...'

fine. You can continue with your work. I am not doing anything anyway." It was obvious that her face was lit up with

noticed that whenever she talked to him, her face was always lit up with joy and cautiousness. She was never like this when she was with him before. This

not pleased. He put down his notebook and walked

cast a glance to her direction and without saying any words,

her nose. She

thought to


not cause any trouble, or create anything unnecessary to bother him.

entertainment industry, she heard about that Samuel

silly child. In these news pictures, Samuel was always dressed neatly in suits and glowed with confidence.

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