Trapped with a Doctor

Chapter 211 The Feeling Of Being The Third Wheel

Angela was almost fully submerged in the bathwater, but Arvin pulled her toward him with his strong arms.

Fondling the smooth skin around her waist, he realized how much he missed her.

Arvin passionately made love to Angela several times, so she was too tired to get up the following morning. But Arvin helped her get dressed, wash her face, and rinse her mouth. He felt like he was looking after a baby.

Then, Angela's parents went to the airport with them. Daisy prepared many gifts for Arvin's family. She told Angela, "Angela, you need to remember that this gift is for Arvin's grandmother, those gifts are for Arvin's parents, and that gift is for Arvin's sister..."

Angela leaned against the seat and nodded, again and again...

But she could barely remember what Daisy had said.

Arvin held Angela up and responded on behalf of her, "Yes, Mom. I will remember everything you've said, and I'll send your regards to my family."

Daisy nodded with satisfaction. Chuck pinched Angela's cheek and asked, "Angela, why are you so tired?"

"Umm... I spent too much time playing games last night..." Angela answered automatically. She made up an excuse, and thankfully, it worked.

Chuck shook his head in resignation and said, "Arvin, you should be strict to her. Don't spoil her too much, and don't let her manipulate you!"

Arvin smiled, "Dad, take it easy. Angela is obedient."

Before Angela was allowed to go to sleep last night, she did everything Arvin had asked. Arvin was very satisfied with her performance.

"That's right. I'm obedient!" Angela mumbled drowsily.

Angela was obedient? Chuck couldn't believe what he heard and said, "Oh, okay. Please take care of her. Don't let anyone hurt her..." As a dad, Chuck couldn't help reminding them about these things over and over. He thought to himself, 'People indeed get more talkative and quite annoying with age.'

Parents would still treat their children with love and care, even when their children had become adults and had their own families.

tugged at Chuck's sleeve and said, "Chuck, it's time to leave. You have to go

Angela tried hard to open her eyes and say goodbye to

Angela to a bed

Angela felt uneasy

road, and waited for Arvin to pick her up. She didn't

there was a woman sitting

window. It seemed like she didn't see Angela's upset face. She smiled at Angela, waved her hand, and said, "Miss Angela, I want to treat you and Arvin for a

at Arvin

his seatbelt, opened the door, and walked out of the car. He held Angela's hand and said,

sneered at him and said, "Where should I sit? On the back

words made

her father in the parking lot, and he had to leave to

explanation. She angrily pushed his hand away, walked toward Rosa, and opened

Arvin's car, except Nita and

only got in the car, but she also chose to sit on the passenger seat? Isn't it obvious enough that she is mocking me?' She

turned pale. She said in a low voice, "Miss Angela, I just wanted to hitch a ride. I won't

a hassle this is!" Angela leaned on the door

to the cold wind in no more than two minutes. Even so, Angela had no

serious and unforgiving, so Rosa had to

anxious eyes, Arvin said coolly, "I'll listen to my

to keep distance from Rosa. He couldn't

her lip tightly and felt ashamed. But she had to be thick-skinned. She smiled at Arvin and said softly, "I won't bother

would say yes, Angela angrily stared at him. If he granted Rosa's

wife is unhappy." Arvin held Angela in his

force a smile and said, "I'm not feeling well. Are you just going to let me

phone and called someone.

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