Trapped with a Doctor

Chapter 179 How is Everything Going on Your Side

Half an hour later, Angela met Nancy. While drinking her milk tea, she told Nancy about what had happened earlier and asked her opinion about it.

"Did you say that the woman was Chandler Jia's wife, Malik Jia's mother?" Nancy asked to clarify.

Angela nodded, "Yes! She said she was."

"Then, there's nothing wrong. Malik's mother is a kind person. I used to go to her house to play when I was little. She's very enthusiastic to everyone. She can be acquainted to someone in a few minutes!" Nancy's comments made Angela feel at ease.

"I'm so relieved. I was worried for nothing. Okay, let's go and buy gifts for our men!" said Angela happily. They walked around the shopping mall with linked arms.

At night, when Arvin returned to the apartment, it was already past twelve o'clock.

He pushed the bedroom door open. It was dark and quiet inside. It seemed that no one was there.

He felt upset and turned on the light. Indeed, no one was in bed.

He was about to call Angela, but then he saw a large gift box on the table, with a note on it.

He walked over and took the note. It read, "Dear Big Wing, please open it and see if you like what I got for you."

Arvin smiled. He opened the gift box and saw an expensive Western suit neatly folded inside.

But the color of the suit was... wine red.

Arvin had never worn a suit in this color. The moment he saw it, he was baffled.

He took the clothes out of the box and was about to hang it in the dressing room. Suddenly, another piece of paper dropped from the suit.

It read, "If you like it, please open the bedroom next door and tell me. But if you don't like it... okay, please tell me too."


Arvin put the suit back into the gift box, strode out of the bedroom, and opened the bedroom next door.

quiet room. When he turned on the light, he saw a woman huddling

there? It was because Angela

was dressed in a very


bought these sexy pajamas. She wondered how things were going on Nancy's side. Was she being eaten up

was not so lucky. She had waited for Arvin for more

was below zero. Even if she had turned on the heating, she would still shiver because of the

shivering, he immediately wrapped her in his arms and scolded her, "Are you silly? Why didn't you

prepared last time, before the new year, was interrupted by

what! She wouldn't mind being tortured

Well... Not really.

He carried her and quickly went back to his bedroom, covering her with the quilt. Then, he turned on the heating, lay down on the bed, and held her

to surprise him! "You

she was buying

that if Arvin was willing to wear the

if he

brother for being so

Sven had told her to and bought a wine

Angela asked with a hopeful look in her

a business trip tomorrow. I'll be back three days later..." He lowered his head, kissed her lips, and said, "I'll wear it when I

wrapped them around his neck, urging

romance. But when she saw Arvin come back so late and found out that he had to go on a business trip the next morning, Angela felt sympathetic and didn't want

a shower, but he didn't want to sleep so soon. She seldom took the initiative to

forehead and went to

his shower, Angela sent a message to Nancy, asking,

Stanley didn't usually wear suits, Nancy had bought him a set of casual clothes. And she also

waited for a while, but still didn't receive anything from Nancy. In reality, for Stanley, Nancy's initiative was even more of a rare case.

their passionate love. The bedroom was filled with romance and

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