Trapped with a Doctor

Chapter 156 Don't Waste It

Arvin eyed the menu out of curiosity and pomposity; this was of course before he looked askance at the two women, who were chattering incessantly about nothing at all, as they were wont to do. Then he held up the menu to the manager, and said, "A glass of whisky. What do you want to drink, honey?" he asked Angela. He thought it would be better to ask Angela's opinion.

As Angela was a waif-like lightweight and would get drunk after one glass of wine, so it did no harm to drink a little healthy alcohol; in fact, Arvin held out hope for it because that meant she would be easier to manage in the bedroom. If she wanted to drink more, he would refuse her access to his credit card and he wouldn't drink alcohol either.

Now Angela was embarrassed. She was shocked by Arvin addressing her so forthrightly.

Janet made a face at Angela and she teased her, "Why not tell your honey Arvin what you want to drink?"

Angela blushed immediately, then she picked up the menu with pretend calmness to obviate her shyness. "I want to drink this, " and she pointed at something on the menu. It was a carbonated beverage.

The reason she chose it was sample. She felt happy today and didn't need alcohol to drive her mood away. She was bipolar.

When the manager left, nodding a dozen times as was the custom, Daniel pulled Janet back to his side and Angela was going to sit beside Janet but Arvin pulled her arm and held her back. Then she had to sit next to him.

Angela was absolutely mortified to be sat so close to Arvin and getting wet in such close proximity to other people present. She tried to fidget and wriggle her way free of his grip, embarrassed. Arvin however, had other plans, and stopped her from leaving. He shoved his right arm into her, and locked her in tight squeeze as he wrapped one arm around her shoulder and slightly lifted her chin with his strong hand so that she was obligated to look at him.

Arvin gave her a signal to see the rest people. When she turned round, she saw something embarrassing.

She didn't know what Janet had just told Daniel, but whatever it was, it had turned them both on, because now they were kissing affectionately.

Wow! "You are so lovey-dovey, Jane..." Then she was quiet. Because what she wanted to say next had been interrupted by Arvin's kiss.

"They have made such a romantic atmosphere for us. Don't waste it!" Arvin said with orgiastic intent; all that was missing was the leather and shackles.


room was opened and a man came

stopped kissing when they saw someone come

She had been accustomed to

extremely ashamed. She bit her lip tightly and lifted her

to come here only to watch you guys kissing? Especially you, Arvin! How have you become Angela's boyfriend?" Jerry sat beside Arvin. A female manager came in and brought

this club. Therefore, all the waiters had been dispatched to other rooms. Only

answer his question and asked, "Where is your wife? Why didn't she come with

sip of wine,

wife, Jerry?" Angela asked him out of curiosity.

that a man in

course I will go. But I have an important lawsuit tomorrow, so I have to go there tomorrow night." Jerry didn't tell them that this classmate

A guy. My brother was worried about her so he asked

sighed, "How possessive men

commanded his sister and

Janet's hand tightly and looked at Jerry with cold eyes, "My wife can say anything

him, "Fine. As long as she doesn't talk about

because his wife was not here.

talk anybody about anything. If you are dissatisfied with my decision, you can call Dad." The "Dad" Daniel was referring to was Samuel. However, no matter who Jerry called, Samuel or Harry, he would get the same result because both

it was useless for Jerry to call anyone

words but

men of the Si Family were faithful to their wives. Jerry was exceptionally happy to see his own sister be married off to a man who poured so much love and respect

you see how Jerry

come to R and D department and told her all the injustices she

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