Transmigrated Into A Billionaire

Chapter 50 Alice's new plan

  Xander sat deepin thoughts in his office, tomorrow was the dinner between his family and the Garcia's, and he couldn't lie, anytime he thought about the mere thought, he felt sick in his stomach and a dark cloud of dread over his head, He could clear hear his Dad's voice in his head and he could remember the day he was told he would be engaged.

  " called me?" Xander said, as he stood at the entrance of his Father's study, the doors were made of huge dark mahogany wood with some ancient carvings on it, the whole house itself was two century years old owned by his great great great great grandpa Miller, he built the house of smart taxes and IFF rates then according to his grandfather, the house was passed down the line from son to son, even though they still had several mansions in several cities and countries, this was the most visited one. He didn't bond well with his father while growing up due to his father always running the business and sometimes his mother would tag along leaving him and his brother to the whole mansion and fifteen maids to take care of them.

  "Alexander came sit, would' ya," His father said in a heavy accent he was pretty happy he didn't take after because it sounded ridiculous to him and would have probably been in a fits of laughter if it wasn't his father that was talking.

  "Yes sir," Xander answered, walking up to the huge mahogany table filled with documents and an old desktop his father never changed, he knew his father was stone hearted and old schooled, ifhe messed up, he would probably throw him out at 21.

  "Did you like the fundraiser occasion I took you and your brother to?," Mr Miller asked, dropping his read glasses to face Xander, he was spotting a properly laid back her that had many streak of white with a trimmed beard, his father still looked fit for someone in his late fifties.

  "Yes sir, I learnt alot from meeting with other young business heirs of my age and we share ideas and opinions about the present market and how to champion it," Xander said, exactly what his father wanted to hear, but there was still a look of unease in his demeanor.

  "But of course, I didn't share my A plan father, I'm not stupid, just contributed the basics," Xander added. A look of relief slowly replaced the unease in his father's face as he rested his back a little which made Xander sigh internally.

  Even though he was lying, he didn't exactly meet with heirs or heiresses, or at least he was talking to young business person Alice Harvey, Mr White Harvey's daughter and close friends of Araceli, Garcia's daughter. And by sharing business ideas he meant sticking his tongue far down her throat after having about five glasses of champagne.

  "Any girl caught your eye at the occasion?," Mr Miller asked with a straight face staring directly into his soul which made his start sweating in place he didn't think were possible including the crack of his butt cheek making his rub his ass side to side on the leather seat causing disturbing squeaking sounds making his father get slightly irritated.

  "Will ya stop that boy and answer the goddamn question!!" Mr Miller said, staring at him looking partially irritated because of the sound he was making.


  "No, I mean No sir" Xander stumbled over his words and from the look on his father's face, he was starting to get real pissed off at him for not being bold and precise, he was slowly losing his patience with him.

 "Okay…" Mr Miller took a deep breath before

into him slowly, he had always known since he was little that he would have the luxury of choosing who he wanted

very stunning in her dinner

everything he had said earlier "or was he caught Alice

know what exactly she wore but I sure as

yeah, I think so,"

  "So I'm guessing you didn't talk to her," Mr Miller said, putting his fingers on his bridge trying to

  "No sir,"

accordingly. Ever since he was five, he got to understand the egocentric, self centered man who was his father, he never really played with them

girls like Araceli are girls you should go after, sad the Azariah's are fine raising a lesbian and a gay child, they would have been the perfect target," Mr Miller said, itching his stubbles before reaching for his drawer and taking a half smoked cigar and lit it up, taking a

Xander questioned, confused, what did his father mean by target… "Ya target ya slow mu…" Mr Miller said coughly slightly before

what you meant to say right," Xander muttered bitterly more

  "Ya dummy, shit I'm gettin too old for all this crap pile of shit," Mr Miller said, heading to

a joint wealth scheme, and become the most powerful family in the business world, the Azariahs wouldn't even come close." Mr Miller said, while staring into the vast field of

 "But I…" Xander stood up, trying to object,

  "No buts son, you either marry her or lose your position as heir and next CEO to your brother," "Now leave" Mr Miller said, with an


out of the deep thought he was in, his eyes still didn't come to focus just yet, he rubbed

you get in?," Xander asked, looking at her with

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