The Rise of Dragon Temple

The Rise of Dragon Temple

Authors:Wu xia
Num Chapters:142
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Chapter 142

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All my family betrayed me five years ago, while a stranger girl saved me. At that time I was drugged, so I took away her virginity and made her carry my child. I didn't realize I had a daughter until I received a phone call five years later.

The little girl was crying and called me dad, asking for my rescue. As the founder of the almighty Dragon Temple, I was unable to suppress my anger anymore. I rushed to my daughter and found her eating the pig food!! Within 1 second, I made the gang die miserably. But with an unknown reason, I went blank and lost consciousness... That's when three thousand of elites came to me, trying to save me and my family!

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The Rise of Dragon Temple

The Rise of Dragon Temple

142 Chapters

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