Baron decided to attack Kerr with lies. However, once he started with lies, there was no way of turning back.

The only idea that Baron had in order to make his big lie convincing was to keep using one lie after another and so on. This plan could either end up ridiculous or a complete success.

It started off pretty well since Kerr's attention was drawn to Baron.

Although Kerr looked at him with shocking eyes, he concealed it quickly.

"Say again? I couldn't quite hear you."

Just for the record, Jared never found any kind of data that was related to Jay's father. Baron had met Nicole in Manhattan and she gave birth to Jay there.

Nevertheless, Kerr thought that Nicole and Baron weren't even that close to look like a couple when he saw them, which made Kerr suspicious of Baron's statements.

"Jay is our son. He is my child. I met Nicole in Manhattan while we were still in college. Jay was never planned though, and my mother didn't like Nicole.

My mother always made sure that our marriage wasn't a reality. Me and Nicole loved each other, but she didn't want to put me in such a complicated position. So, she decided to leave me and raised Jay by her own.

This is my family affair, and I owe Nicole my life. The only thing that I wish to do now is to make it up to them after all these years. I never stopped loving Nicole. I hope you understand, Mr. Gu."

Baron looked at Kerr with guilty eyes as he narrated his family affair's fantasy to him. However, Kerr's calmed aura was like an unbreakable shield that didn't allow Baron to see through him.

He was hopeful that Kerr believed at least a huge portion of the story, even though there were many plot holes in it. He had to tell Nicole about this as soon as possible because it was obvious that Kerr's next action was to corroborate Baron's story with her.

Baron's purpose behind this idea was only to protect Nicole and Jay from the harasser. If everything turned out positive, Kerr would never molest them again.

Unfortunately, Kerr made up his mind as he noticed that Baron couldn't keep his eyes straight to look at him.

"So what? What does that have to do between me and Nicole? If you failed to marry her seven years ago, what makes you think you can succeed now? Or do you think you have seven more years to fight for it?

I had the chance to marry her right

himself anymore and went past Baron to walk straight to the restaurant’s entrance. As a matter of fact, Nicole was still free

to marry Nicole since he had her waiting for him

anyone to be the biological father of Jay but Baron. He inevitably felt disappointed after learning the truth. However, Kerr started to make connections between

Jay's father before Jay was born. Why couldn't

of seconds, but he instantly rushed

Baron's lie to be uncovered by Kerr if he talked to

too late for Baron when Kerr walked in the restaurant and could spot the figure he was so obsessed with. Long hair down to the waist in which her curves

at the entrance, he couldn't help but smiled at him with his shining eyes as he was sat in

Jay? What else would you like

like a kid watching cartoons. And

you two doing

face gave away how shocked she was as she stood

was just passing by when I was outside, so we had a little chat. Sadly, he has an appointment now and he must

a terrible idea if Kerr stayed for dinner with them. Besides the indigestion that Baron had, his lie would be exposed more than ever. After all, he involved Nicole in

calmly as he didn't take

But I got a call

sort of agitated, especially Baron. "Oh, I got worried for a second

his sight towards

was doing. He expected Jay to react immediately

seat with enthusiasm and gently took Nicole's hand just to draw her attention. "I want Uncle Gu to stay with us, Mommy.

mother with his eyes

head bent. She couldn't have the courage to deny his wish,

of how well prepared Kerr was.

believe his blatant

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