The Prince Who Was Raised in Hell

The Prince Who Was Raised in Hell

Authors:Liu Ya
Num Chapters:2642
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Chapter 2642

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Read The Prince Who Was Raised in Hell novel by Liu Ya:

Novel The Prince Who Was Raised in Hell is a series of stories about the plot against the king of the young Caspian Montgomery, because of being harmed, he went to prison, then was pardoned after a year instead of being sentenced to death. The nickname The Prince Raised in Hell is also derived from here, He will seek to restore his princely status in a marriage of convenience.

Caspian returns from hell prison. He will use his Nine Chan Titan Sword to move mountains, divide seas, cultivate to ascend to heaven and rule the world.

Readers Ratings of The Prince Who Was Raised in Hell novels:

I am in love with this book and am always looking forward to the updates. I get so anxious and excited when I see Caspian a growth and his focus. Thank you for a great read so far.


You updated this book fast, I love it!!!! This book is great looking forward to reading more!!


Thank you for having a wicked imagination and keeping this story going... So much abilities and upgrades to keep a track of. Just wow keep up the awesome work author... Would be a cool TV series with the right actors and producers


amazing book I love how the author updates it daily with more than one chapter!!! There isn't a lot of filler either.

Where should you read the full The Prince Who Was Raised in Hell novel?

The book has updated the latest and most complete chapters at website Update daily to get the latest chapter of this novel here.

Above is information about The Prince Who Was Raised in Hell novel. We hope you enjoy the content of this book. Leave a comment if you have any questions about this book at here.

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The Prince Who Was Raised in Hell

The Prince Who Was Raised in Hell

2642 Chapters

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