The Perfect Luna

Chapter 30: The Night

Bedside table for her cell and had to close his eyes as the thoughts of what he wanted to do with her crowded his mind, driving out the rest of his rationality.

“Brayden?” he heard her surprised voice and his heart sunk as he sat on the bed, watching her. Jealousy was not new to him anymore. Every time he thought of her husband, all he wanted was to rip his head off and be done with it. Only that he had no right to. The Alpha hadn’t offended him in any way, he played by the rules. If he killed him now, the uprising would have their martyr to put on posters. Especially if he took his wife afterwards.

No, he had to do this right. Too many people depended on him.

And Riannon… He wasn’t sure that she would appreciate him doing things by force. Some she-wolves were into this. But she didn’t look like the kind.

He had to repeat to himself again and again that her wolf would be back soon.And then she would know. And even if the wolf wouldn’t return, he would do whatever it took to get her out of her marriage and make her fall in love with him.

Riannon was annoyed. It was 2 am at night and he had the audacity to call her. If he cared, he could do that during the day. But he didn’t. He just threw a tantrum prior and that was it.

“What are you doing?” he asked, sounding impatient. “I am sleeping,” she muttered, “What else could I be doing at this hour?!”

“I…” He was not saying anything and then it suddenly occurred to her. Could he sense what she was actually doing with Gideon right now? She bit her lip instinctively.

That was it.

“I missed you, Ri,” he said all of a sudden and she noticed how the lycan king’s eyes flashed gold.Yet he hadn’t made a sound. He just sat there, clenching his fists and watching her every move.

“That’s very nice of you,” she replied calmly, “But I am tired, and I want to go back to sleep. Can we talk tomorrow?”

“How are the lycans?” he ignored her words completely, “Do they treat you well?”

“Well enough. You have nothing to worry about.” Her response was dry and she could sense her husband not being happy about it. “Anyway, I’ll tell you everything when I get back. Right now all I want is sleep.”

“Not yet, Ri,” he growled at her, “I want to talk to my wife more.” hurt herself again and blame it on someone else without any consequences?”

There was silence at the other end of the line, and she hoped that he would end the conversation first. But, of course, he didn’t.

“Ri, I understand that the situation is not easy. I promise I will handle it. Roxy will behave.“ Brayden assured her.

“Oh, Goddess,” she covered her eyes with her free hand, “How lucky!”

“RI,” he tried to appease her, “When you come back, we are going to take a few days off just for us.It’s going to be great, and we will talk about everything.”

“Sounds amazing,” she lied, “I am exhausted. I need to go now.”

“Ri,” he stopped her yet again,“Just… don’t do anything stupid there. And if anyone tries to force you into anything, call me. I will always come to your rescue. No one will hurt my girl.”

was in that man’s brain? It was like she never knew him in the first place. Just this morning his precious mate tried to hurt her and he hadn’t been

that in mind,” she sighed, ready

used when he wanted to seduce her. She used to go crazy about it. But now it had no effect on

and swiped

time and she stayed like

was about to turn, a sound of a text message beeped, and she looked at her

that you are mine

for a while before slowly putting the phone back. What was that right now? In her past life he wasn’t that possessive of her since the

feeling stirred up in her chest. She was careless. He probably felt what she

and it could go wrong in so many ways from here. Husbands had more power in this world. Her best card was him not suspecting a thing. If she lost that surprise

level to see this reaction after she just talked to her

still have feelings towards him? Or was it

he said caressing her cheek, “You can

him growl menacingly. He hated her

him?” he asked

him to be unaware

relieved.And when she nodded with a soft

when he hopped over her to the

ask him what he was doing when she

leaving you alone, though. He

secretly happy that he did

as soon as that divorce is finalized, I am taking you straight here,” the lycan added, making blood

himself asking and the pause that followed

physically,” she let out a heavy sigh,

a few days ago. Is it that bad?” He did not know why he couldn’t shut up. The possibility of

to be not what I thought he was. And as I already tried to explain you before, it’s not only about

According to his research about her, that Alpha and her were always a good

like that?” he decided to find

the next Luna,” Riannon turned to look him in the eye, “She is not a good person. And I am not saying

talking, but he placed his large palm onto her tiny hand

be able to open up to

that he wanted to burn that pack to the ground the same night. He started asking her question and she told him everything that happened since the day her husband brought that mate of his to their house. His blood was boiling, his wolf demanded blood. And in his fury he was amazed how calm Riannon was talking about all that. As is… as

happy for her being Brayden’s mate, but no one could touch his and walk out

their conversation and he allowed himself to brush her cheek briefly. He scent coated him and just seeing her so close to him, sleeping peacefully, made him

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