Chapter 27

Sophie’s pov
Mila’s words were reassuring. They really were. But they couldn’t break the circle of doubt, fear, and shock I was currently feeling at the moment.
I was pregnant. At least that’s what all three tests read.
“I just turned eighteen today, I have no job, Mila. How am I going to do this on my own? Aiden
I stopped, hiccuping on a sob. Life was unfair to me.
Did the heavens hate me that much to not give me a break from all those hurdles they flew my way?
Aiden was behind bars, serving time. And I was a hundred percent sure he hated me with a passion. I dream every day about his cold eyes that shone with betrayal when he stared at me that day before they took him away.
In a way, he blamed me for what happened. He hated me.
My heart squeezed. I had placed myself in a tight spot and I saw no way to get out of it.
“You’re not going to be doing this on your own Soph. You have the Simpsons and me. We’ll be here every step of the way she reassured me while hugging my body sideways as she wiped my tears.
“There are other options you know….” She trailed off as if unsure if her words would create more harm than good.
I shook my head quickly. “I could never do abortion.”
She shook her head. “I was more leaning on adoption? There are families who crave to have what you carry in your womb.
I wince at her words. She was definitely making this more real for me.
But…..she was right
There are families who yearn for a child. I had one currently in my womb. I could make some family happy. I could give them something they craved for
But as my eyes drop to my stomach, my heart squeezes. What if I can’t let him or her go when I first set my eyes on them? What would I do
*I don’t know Mila. ‘I trailed off unsurely.
‘it was just an option Soph. You don’t have to think about it so early on.’ She reassures, squeezing me to her.

“And if you do happen to keep the baby, I will be here to help you every step of the way. She beamed.
My eyes meet hers in the reflection of the mirror. “But what about New York Mila? Our plans? My shoulders sagged.
Mia and I had already planned to go to New York when we graduate from high school. It was supposed to be an exciting new chapter for us. Me to college and her to look for work Mila had no intentions of going back to school.
Apparently, school and learning just weren’t for her anymore
We only had a few more months until graduation. And now I had a huge damper on the plans.
She winces and lets me go while mumbling. “Well, I hadn’t quite thought about that.”
She scratches her chin and paced the entire length of the bathroom before stopping before me.
“My cousin Ria was willing to let us share her apartment with her. We only need to pay our share of the rent. Her mother, my aunt, did suggest I come and work for her in their little diner. I’m sure that they’ll accept both you and me.” She rushed out as if finding a solution to the hardest math question.
I raised my eyebrows in doubt. “They’ll accept a pregnant eighteen year old?”
She nods. “I’m sure they will. My aunt isn’t as strict as my mom. In fact, I once caught her smoking marijuana at one of our many family gatherings. She owes me one for not telling her husband she relapsed.”
I sighed. This feels too good to be true. How will I make this work when I was supposed to go to college and make a better life for myself?
“Just think about it okay Soph? We can still go to New York and live with my cousin and work for my aunt. We can still achieve our dreams, even though they will be postponed for a little bit longer. Whatever you choose Soph, will be the best choice. I believe so. And you should too.” She pulls me into a hug.
“You got this Sophie. If anyone can do this, it will be you.” Mila squeezed me tighter.
I cried on her shoulder, holding her tight. “I don’t know Mila. I’m scared.” I admitted.
I still had a few months left till graduation. By then, I would be sporting a bump.
The controversies this will bring, I can already see it. Many would be the baby belongs to Aiden while the others would think it was Carson’s.
I would be the talk of the town again. Though my name hadn’t quite died out yet.
“Are you going to tell him?” Mila asked softly.
I knew who’he’ was.
I shook my head. “No. I’m not going to ruin his life even more.”
Mali had left a couple of minutes ago already and I was currently in my room sucking up the courage to tell Ingrid that I was expecting.
After a few minutes of me just pacing across my room, I managed to get that little pep talk to actually push me.
I made my way downstairs where I can hear her playing with the pans and spoons. They rattled and disturbed the silence in the house. My fast pace turns into a cruise.
The air smells like chocolale cake and my belly grumbles reminding me that I hadn’t eaten yet. I couldn’t keep much down, but boy do I now crave some chocolate. Anything chocolate would do.
I found Ingrid in the kitchen like I expected to. She looked very focused on icing that chocolate cake. When she hears my footsteps nearing, she freezes and looks disappointed
“Darnmit You were not supposed to see this yet.” She sighed and continued icing the chocolate cake. The strong smell had me licking my ups
“Cover your eyes until I say I’m done” She instructed
Ingrid always went out of her way to see me happy and this is how I repaid her? By getting pregnant so young? By causing the death of an
innocent boy? For causing an innocent boy to take jail?
I don’t deserve all this.
“I’m pregnant Ingrid.” I stumbled out, my bottom lip already wobbling as I waited for her glare and scowl.
Hearing my words, Ingrid freezes, completely.
I must’ve disappointed her so badly. I am sure of it.
“I’m so sorry Ingrid. We were not being careful and I fully blame myself for putting myself in this position. I’m so sorry to disappoint you’ll rushed out, coming closer to the counter.
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