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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 102

Part 16

“I gave no parental attention or affection to any of my offspring. I have no emotional inclination to do so, and it would only have made them a target for dominance and manipulation by those who sought influence with me. I had planned to continue that policy in regards to you, but I was confident that you would quickly rise through the ranks on your own merit.

“I had planned that when you became First Flame; which was second-in-command in my power structure, I would either kill you in order to eliminate the only true contender for my power, or take you under my wing as my protégé, and become your mentor in order to ensure the continuation of my efforts in case I should fall to the demons. I would have taken a deep Reading of you in order to judge your loyalty, and based my decision on the result.

“Beyond that, I gave the matter no further thought until you arrived here today. And now my plans are moot. But I find that meeting you and speaking to you gives me a feeling of… pride, I think. As well, though it may have been happenstance, your visit here today has led to my meeting and gaining the sponsorship of Holy Amirgath, and that is the finest treasure I have ever received.

“I am not offering to act as your parent, and I am certain that you do not wish it in any case. But if you wish to meet and speak again, I would welcome that. I am always here. Until the tournament, that is.”

“Huh. Perhaps I will, some time.” Karz allowed. “After the tournament.”

He paused and puffed a bit of black smoke before he continued. “It is not flattering to know that I was conceived as a research experiment, but it is better than thinking that I was the result of some nefarious machination of yours.

“Come what may, I am certain we will meet again soon, due to the tournament and the upcoming war. Fare well until then.”

Zarkog gave him a respectful nod, which was returned. Val and the twins gave another bow, then the four youngsters ended their Simulacrums.

Falgaroth considered Zarkog. “You’re coming along well enough.” he judged, and disappeared.

“Zarkog.” Quewanak nodded.

“Quewanak.” Zarkog nodded in return. “I am not surprised to learn that you have Ascended. You reached the eldest age ever attained by any Draconian mortal, and six of the previous eldest nine became gods. I expect that I will also Ascend soon, within ten years at most.”

“I agree. And as Zwak said, your astronomies have shown us that all of Kellaran is playing in a greater game now. It is a new age. We will let the past be the past.”

“I agree.” Zarkog nodded, and gave him the bow to a military superior.

Quewanak knew that it was as close to an apology as he was ever going to get from Zarkog. So he returned the bow, and disappeared.

Alone with his new student, Amirgath considered Zarkog for a moment before he spoke. “We have both changed a great deal since taking the vow of justice on Falgaroth’s stone. But there is no reason for us to be any less for it.”

“I agree, Lord. I have been concentrating on astronomy and biding my time since my recent fall, but this tournament presents a most unexpected opportunity.”


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