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The Fire and The Storm - The Nexus of Kellaran #2 novel Chapter 77

Part 13

“But these four fine young persons raised some important points recently; that most of your young killed each other before they became adults, that all of you could be trained to be much more effective in war against the demons than you presently are, and that we might need every bit of help we can get to prevent the demons from completely destroying this world.

“Therefore they were given permission to prevent your young from killing each other, and to initiate efforts to train you to be an army, and to integrate your military capabilities with our own.

“You have given your verbal agreement to our terms. We are now gathered here to swear binding oaths to enforce our agreement.

“Governor Longstrider?”

“Thank you sire.” Reggie told him with a small bow, and turned to the Sylvan elders.

“Today marks a new beginning for your people and mine, and I’m confident that our association will benefit both our peoples…

“What a pile of crap!” a Sylvan woman yelled from the audience. “You’ve enslaved our children and insulted our culture!”

“How have we insulted your culture?” Reggie calmly asked as he rose two meters from the platform so he could meet the eyes of the woman who’d spoken.

“The winnowing is what makes us strong!” the woman yelled. “The Sylvan have gained in ability far faster than any other race, ever since we began on this world! Generation after generation, we are stronger, faster, more powerful and more intelligent, because the weak are culled from our race before they can breed! It is a natural and necessary part of being a Sylvan! With our birthrate, we would consume everything on the world and then starve, without the winnowing! Furthermore, every adult among us has earned our place in our society by surviving the winnowing! We deserve our standing because we have fought and suffered and killed for it, even under the restrictions of our god! And you cannot replace it without using constant spells of mind control, and stealing the freedom from our lives!”

As the Sylvan spoke, Helemia had angrily walked over to the edge of the platform and glared down at the woman. She yelled back as soon as the woman finished.

“All right first of all, the winnowing doesn’t improve you in every generation, because who survives the winnowing and who dies is almost completely decided by luck! More than half of those who die are killed in their first year away from their parental home, and in most cases it has nothing to do with any lack of potential or ability on their part! The older packs hunt the new releases relentlessly, and it doesn’t matter if some fourteen-year-old has the potential to be the greatest Sylvan who’s ever lived when he gets hunted down by forty or fifty organized twenty-year-olds! Sure, over hundreds of generations, the winnowing does improve you, but it’s the most costly and wasteful way to improve a race that I’ve ever seen!

“And secondly, as to enslaving your children, who would probably have been uselessly killed anyway, let’s ask your children what they think of their enslavement!”

In a moment she was in the woman’s mind and identifying her children; a seventeen-year-old female and a nineteen-year-old male, then located them among the platoons and Translocated them and the woman to the surface of the platform.

“Give me the Truthstone.” Reggie flatly demanded of Senior Dolimatbene, holding his hand out for it.


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