The Devil Wore A Brown Suit

Chapter 21: Part One Pedition

I awake in my room. I can hear the hustle and bustle outside. The people of this camp are rushing to make my brother happy. We need a plan and we need one now. We need a way out for everyone.

 He will sacrifice all these people to get his way. I am not sure if I can do what they need, but I have to try. First thing I have to make sure my brother trusts me. If I can gain his trust I can get everyone out of here. I have to find out where my mother is.

What about Chaos and Mayhem? Can they help? I am not sure if the descendants are on my side. I have no idea. I am going to have to put my faith in Camilla and Brooke. Camilla will know who to trust. She told me not to go to the farm. It is time to find out why. I will ask her today.

I get out of bed and start going through the room looking for clothes. I find a pair of jeans and a shirt that oddly fit me. I wonder whose clothes these are. Did he prepare for me? He probably knew I was coming. He seems to know everything. He probably had this all planned from the day I came to the topside.

 He probably is the one who let me out. He is in control of too much. It’s time to take back control. We start today. I wake up every single day thinking I am going to die. I need to get back to simpler times in my life. Can I go back? Is there a way back?

 A place where I can just be me, be happy, and be free from all of this. Every day is a fight. I am tired of it. I am tired of struggling to be something that everyone needs. I just want to go back to the underworld and be me. Now I have two children to care for. I barely remember anything about them. I know they need me and I know I need them. I am going to figure this out.

I leave my room and head to the common area. Maybe I should find Camilla first. I am not sure. I start walking. I am going to walk all over this compound. I want to memorize all of it.

 I will start at the bonfire and work my way back. If we are going to run we need to know where we are going. I need to meet as many people here as possible and find out how they got here.

I start walking to the bonfire. It is so beautiful here. The sunflowers make paths all over the compound. Sunflowers are everywhere. Except for a tree I see growing in the distance. It smells like Magnolias. Venus!

check out that tree. I start walking toward the tree. It seems so far away. I walk through the long beautiful

sure where it is coming from. I do not care at this moment. I have questions and she has answers. What has happened to my brother is the first one. She probably

me. I am going to see her. I start running. I am afraid someone is following me to the

Magnolia tree in the middle of nowhere. I can smell her. How do I

tree. I see him. My brother is coming out of an opening by the tree. I hurry back to the sunflowers to hide. It’s too late. He

not going to hide. I am going to tell him the truth. Maybe he will trust me if I tell him the

the tree.” I start crying. “I wondered if it was mother.” I am not going to tell him

want to see her?” he asks. “Go inside. I cannot get you out once you go in.

another day then brother,” I

up here without me. I will bring you

always something crazy going on in my life.

seen Camilla or Brooke this morning?”

I got up and started walking on my own. I just wanted to explore.” I tell

“Do me a favor. Don’t venture out on

smile. We walk through the sunflowers in silence. I

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