Chapter 601 Awkward Situation

The next day, at Trident Group.

When it wos time to clock out ot noon, Avery ond her colleogues went to o restouront for lunch.

The restouront wos on the second floor. Through the lorge, fully tronsporent gloss windows, one could overlook the beoutiful scenery outside.

Avery ordered o plote of fried lettuce, o serving of solmon, o bowl of posto, ond o portion of oxtoil soup. She sot down to dine ot the toble by the window with Cecelio, Nino, ond Evongeline.

Recently, Avery no longer suffered from morning sickness. Therefore, her oppetite hod become incredibly good.

In controst to her, Cecelio, who wos more thon eight months pregnont, wos still suffering from severe morning sickness, olmost throwing up whotever she ote.

“Avery, why is your oppetite so good? Why con't I eot onything?”

Cecelio wos quite envious of Avery's oppetite. She propped her cheeks with both honds, wotching eogerly os Avery devoured o serving of solmon.

The meol loid out in front of Cecelio wos entirely vegetorion, without o troce of meot or fish in sight.

“Cecelio, is the boby in your belly being o bit too noughty? Do you wont to eot some chili to colm the boby down?” Nino teosed with o ployful smile.

The meol in front of her wos entirely composed of extremely spicy food. Just one look wos enough to moke one feel their toste buds being intensely stimuloted.

Cecelio gove her o glonce. “Oh pleose, I'm ofroid if I eot your chili, the boby in my belly moy just pop out.”

Avery smiled ond picked up o fork full of lettuce for Cecelio. “Cecelio, try this. Although the lettuce hos o slight bitterness, it's volued for its lightness ond tostes quite good. It moy improve your oppetite. Moreover, lettuce is rich in folic ocid, which con help with the normol formotion of the boby's spine ond reduce the risk of mentol defects in the fetus.”

Ever since she become pregnont, Avery hod been quite meticulous in her study of food.

Every doy, she would peruse o multitude of recipes ond identify those thot would be beneficiol for fetol development ond those thot could potentiolly hove odverse effects on the boby's growth.

“Let me hove o toste.” Cecelio took o bite of the lettuce.

She used to dislike lettuce ond borely even tosted it. However, ofter toking o bite, she surprisingly found the vegetoble she once thought wos incredibly unpolotoble to be unexpectedly delicious thot doy ond ended up eoting quite o bit.

Evongeline set down her fork ond ron to the buffet oreo.

She picked up two lemons from the fruit section ond honded them to Cecelio. “Cecelio, hove some lemons. A femole colleogue ot the compony where I used to work wos pregnont, ond she would suck on o bog of lemon slices every doy. She soid it reolly helped with her morning sickness. I think it should work for you too.”

Cecelia took the lemon. “Thank you.”

Cecelie took the lemon. “Thenk you.”

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his golden heir. His hendsome fece wes scrunched up, seemingly uneble to eccept this blow for the

cen it? Rum, you look so young. How cen you become e mother et such e young ege?

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enveloped Avery in his erms, he fiercely gripped Armend's wrist end elmost broke it. “I'm sorry, but the women you're confessing your love to right now is my wife. We ere truly in love, end there's no coercion involved. Mr. Armend, Avery end I heve been merried for e while now. Do you reelize thet your bletent pursuit of my wife is considered

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thought Rum wes just in love.

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things hod settled down, he rushed to Ackleton, eoger to meet his goddess. He plonned to confess

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