The Alphas prize

Chapter 24: Honesty

We walked out the door and into the night air, it was a cool, summer night and all the critters were singing loudly. As we walked down the steps, Cain closed the door behind us and gripped my hand in his. Sitting in the driveway was a big, black bike. I had seen similar ones before when I was little, but none like this one. The black looked almost faded, and it had swirls of silver painted on it, with gold accents. Finally, we reached the bike, and Cain grabbed the two helmets resting on the seat, handing one to me.

My eyes widened. “We are taking this?” I asked in disbelief, as I was a little intimidated by this monstrous machine.

Cain chuckled. “Yes, love. Don’t worry; you will be fine; I would never let anything happen to you.” He said while tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

I bit my lip, feeling anxious about riding on a bike for the first time, but I trusted Cain. I looked at the helmet in my hands and took a deep breath before placing the helmet on my head. Cain put his helmet on as well but seemed to fidget with something underneath it. I wrinkled my nose in confusion, and that’s when Cain extended a hand and reached underneath my helmet.

“There is a strap attached to the helmet for extra protection, and it's best to make sure you do it up.” He informed me. I felt a bit embarrassed that I didn’t know this, that I had never been on a bike before.

Cain climbed onto the bike and started it up; it came to life with a thunderous roar. Cain looked at me and patted the seat behind him. “Let’s go, get on.” He hollered over the roar of the engine. I stood there for a beat, beyond anxious to ride this thing. I inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to ease my nerves, as I climbed onto the bike and sat behind Cain.

Cain’s hands reached behind him and gripped my wrists, pulling them forward and wrapping my arms around his waist. “Hold on tight, ok?” He shouted.

At first, I nodded my head in understanding but quickly realized he wouldn’t have seen that. “Ok,” I shouted back. I clasped my right hand around my left wrist and held them together tightly. My chest began to rise and fall as Cain revved the engine and took off like a bat out of hell. The bike sped down the driveway, leaving a cloud of dust behind us as we left the territory. I tightened my hold around him, feeling uneasy with the speed we were travelling at now. That’s when Cain’s hand rubbed mine reassuringly and eased some of the tension within me.

After driving for a bit, the tension and uneasiness subsided a little. I was beginning to feel more and more comfortable as we continued to drive. I lifted my head off Cain’s shoulder and glanced around us. The trees were whizzing past us and the night air wrapped us in its cool embrace. Everything felt right in this moment; I felt a sense of freedom, and so did my wolf, as she howled with excitement.

We veered off the main road and turned down a dirt path. Cain had slowed the bike down, and it roared softly now as we continued driving. Finally, the bike came to a complete stop near the river's edge. Cain turned the engine off before getting down from the bike. He took his helmet off and shook his head, tousling his hair. I followed suit and took my helmet off as well, running my fingers through my hair. Cain’s hand reached out, and he helped me off the bike before taking the helmet from me and placing them both on the bike. I turned towards the river and stared at the beautiful water flowing down. The sun began to set and shone down on the river, causing the water to almost sparkle. I closed my eyes, feeling content and satisfied.

As I stood there, listening to all the beautiful sounds around me, I felt a large hand move my hair and swipe it over my shoulder.

“Well, what do you think?” He asked me, a tinge of nervousness in his tone.

I turned around to look at him and smiled. “I love it; it's beautiful here.”

He smiled brightly, and this was the first time I had ever seen him smile like that, making me feel good that I was the one to make him smile like that.

Cain intertwined our hands and walked us closer to the water. As we approached the edge of the river, I noticed a blanket laid out and a bag on top of the blanket, giving me a sense of Déjà vu. We came to a halt at the blanket, and Cain released my hand. “Take off your shoes and sit down.” He said, and I did, feeling a little giddy.

a few containers, as well as some bottles of water. He opened the containers, revealing some hearty-looking sandwiches

admitted; after not eating anything today, my stomach was angry and was not afraid to let everyone know.

his eyes on me. “Did you eat anything today?” Cain asked

and looked everywhere but at him. “Freja, answer me.” He

Can we please just

you need

stared into those green orbs of his “I will, I promise, but can we please just eat before I

“That might be fun,”

this moment for his games. He chuckled and shook his head at me. “Go ahead, dig in.” And I did just that, not

had. I continued to stuff my face, only stopping when I realized that Cain was watching me, with an amused expression on his face. I

food and took another bite of the sandwich. I was pretty sure I heard him chuckling, but I was too involved with

eat, just enjoying the peace and quiet and staring out at the beautiful scenery before us. Large trees surrounded us as they softly swayed with the wind. The sound of frogs and crickets filled the air around us. The sun was setting now, and the moon would soon take its place.

followed suit, laying down beside me, but he didn’t look up at the sky. Instead, he stared at me. I tilted my head to the side to look at him, and Cain had this odd look in his eyes, a

want to know?” He asked, his tone a

he meant for a moment, but then it clicked that he asked me what I wanted to know about him. I pondered this question, wondering what I wanted to know about him and if I genuinely wanted the answers to those questions.

me over that reference. The stories my father had told us about Cain were far from fairytales. Dad

I was close with my mother, and at times, I looked up to my dad, even though he could be a real ass at times. After they died, my world crumbled; a piece of me had died with them in that battle. Once I became Alpha, I turned into an emotionless, cold-hearted asshole, who did what he wanted

gazing into those alluring green eyes. “Why didn’t you give me more time with my family, and why didn’t you reject me? Everyone always said that you didn’t want a mate, that if you ever found her, you would reject

so fast because I was afraid of you running and never finding you. Originally, I didn’t want a mate, and the plan was to reject her because, to me, a mate was

it away, as deep down as I could. I had always been told of the horrific things you have done to get where you are today. You scared the shit out of me, and mating with you felt like a death sentence.” Cain sat up now, his eyes dulled, and his facial expression became neutral, as he took in my words, “But since coming here, I have learned something, I have discovered a different side of you, a side that I would like to get to know more, a side that I am proud to call my mate, monster or not.” So I said it

climbed onto his lap and spread my legs across his lap. He gripped my ass firmly and pulled me into him, leaving no space between us. I could feel his hard cock, which was bursting at the seams and now rubbing against my very sensitive core. He moved his hips back and forth, rubbing himself against me, creating even

Calyx POV:

and more impatient with each passing minute. The current time was 8:05 pm, and I was going mad having to wait. I checked my bag once more to make sure I had everything, and just like last time, everything I needed was

rang and rang, with no answer and just as I was about to hang up, the dipshit finally answered, “What the fuck took you so

of final preparations before we leave to meet with you. Now, unless you want me to be late, you better hurry up and tell me why you have called.” He said through gritted teeth, I guess someone else was on edge

tell you are. I will see you soon.” My tone was dark and sinister. He just scoffed and hung up the phone. My lip twitched, and my wolf stirred within me, clawing at my

and it was finally time to go. I smiled, overjoyed that this moment was here, at last, the moment I have dreamt of for years, where I would kill Cain and become Alpha, as I was destined to be. Maybe I would keep Freja, instead of killing her, keep her as my Luna. She would be a respectable woman to have at my side, ruling the pack together. I

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