The Alpha

Chapter 9

Ethan's POV

Beth sits up and Scarlet does too as she pulls my leather jacket back on, covering herself up. "Umm... Doctor, by any chance did you find a necklace after my stay in the hospital?" Scarlet asks as Dr. Hauser gets up from her spot on the edge of the bed.

The doctor's eyes open wide for a moment and she holds up a finger. "That reminds me," she begins before reaching for her bag. She opens it up and pulls out a small plastic bag. "A nurse found this when she was cleaning out your room. Is this what you were looking for?"

Scarlet swiftly reaches out and takes the baggie from Dr. Hauser, a smile spreading across her face as she sees what's inside. She quickly tips the bag upside down over her palm before a necklace falls out into it. "Yes! Thank you so much Doctor." I watch as she clasps the delicate chain around her neck and see a small diamond hanging from it. There is no way someone from The Scourge would be able to afford something like that.

"Where did you get the necklace?" I inquire, my body instantly tensing as though it expects to not like her answer.

She looks up at me worriedly and bites her lip, unsure. Clearly my instincts were right. "A friend gave it to me."

"A friend?" I ask, my voice coming out gruff and disbelieving. What kind of a friend gives someone expensive jewelry? She nods at me, reluctant to say any more. "What friend?"

She clears her throat uncomfortably. "Just a friend from The Scourge."

"And how did your friend afford something like that?"

"He found it."

"He???" My wolf growls. Why is another man giving her jewelry like that? No wonder she didn't want to answer me.

This time Dr. Hauser clears her throat as she comes up to me, interrupting the conversation that quickly seemed to be heating up. "Well, she has a few tender spots still and that one gash is pretty bad, but I bandaged it up. Shouldn't take more than a couple days to completely heal. Nothing to worry about. The main thing I could suggest right now is some rest for her. Quite frankly it looks like you both could use some Alpha." She gives me a pointed look and I smirk and nod at her.

"I'll see what I can do."

I walk her and Alex to the main exit and watch as the elevator doors close after them before heading back to my room to talk to Scarlet. She is still sitting on the bed, her arms wrapped around her knees while they are bent up to her chin. I sit down next to her and her gaze rises to meet mine. Her expression betrays her and I can see the guilt and the anxiety. "Why did you do it? Why did you sneak out and go back to that place?"

she begins as her eyes begin to wander around the room

Why didn't you tell me you knew who had

a relationship. He was just some asshole who lived in The

knew he was guilty and you didn't tell me.


think that's a good enough reason to lie to

just didn't want any more innocent people to die. The packless aren't bad people..."

if I hadn't shown up?!" The idea of what could have

that's it! Most of the people there are really decent. I just didn't

straighter, clearly going on the defensive. I decide not to argue about the morals of the packless. It is obvious that we don't see eye to eye on that matter and right now there are more important things to worry about. "Tell me about

has been living in the Scourge for as long as I can remember. He was always up to no good. Picking fights, crossing borders, stealing stuff, that type of thing," she

what about this gang of his that you mentioned? How many

never used

"Why not?"

me a weird look as though she doesn't understand my question for some reason. "Because they're packless," she states as though that explains everything. When she sees that I'm not following she continues. "Packless can't mind-link each other. So they don't usually shift because that leaves them

even thought about that before. My eyebrows furrow as I continue to

packless live," she answers. She looks down and plays with the hem of my jacket that she is

about this, but I need to stay on track. Getting to know her and her past can wait. First, I need to get justice for my pack and that

to where you rescued me, but they've been

idea where they

they could hide in the woods that are outside of anyone's territory. Those would likely be their only options unless

the information doesn't seem to be narrowing down the possibilities. "Okay, can you describe all of

a sigh before her face twists in concentration as she tries to remember Ray's goons. "Well... first there is Frank..." she begins before telling me about the scents and descriptions of each of the members of this so-called gang. I quickly mind-link the details to all my pack's warriors and guards. I also make sure to tell Alex and Xander so they can inform their

know as soon as we

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