
"What time is it?" I demanded.

"You know full well what time it is," Andy said flatly. "You're supposed to be making me feel better, not the other way around. If you haven't noticed, I'm kind of paralyzed!" He smacked the wheels of the wheelchair as if I would possibly miss the fact he was sitting in it.

I gave him an apologetic grimace. "Sorry man, it's just Brook," I said, running my hands through my hair.

"We get it but asking us every five minutes what time it is or how long it's been isn't going to help anything," Kara told me. "Now how about we figure out what we want to do when she gets back."

"Not a whole lot I can do," Andy complained, crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm a freaking disabled! Who's ever heard of a disabled werewolf?"

"Oh not this again," Kara groaned. "You act as it'll be forever. It's only like this until you heal."

"Right, it'll heal, but I'll be Disabled Andy, forever."

"Oh, grow a pair. There is a lot of people who are disabled and don't whine like a baby as you're doing. Here's the kicker, they won't even heal from it."

"Right, says the one who can walk," Andy replied, petulantly.

I chuckled as I listened to them argue. "I like Disabled Andy, or maybe I'll just call you Disandy for short?" I hope to relieve some of the tension or put it on me. I'd hate for Andy to say something to her and later regret it.

"You call me Disandy and I will kill you," Andy threatened, but the edges of his mouth started to turn upward. "If you really want to see a baby, you should look at Dean. Misses W is forcing him to act as if you're completely out of it and now he's the future alpha."

I grinned at the thought. I'm sure Dean was on the verge of cracking by now. "Thanks, man, and thanks for trying to keep her safe."

He shrugged. "She's our friend. What else was I going to do? It's not like you wouldn't have done the same for Kara."

Andy was right. Suddenly a lot of shouting came from outside. "What's going on?"

"Let me check it out. You," Kara said, pointing to me. "Have gone crazy, remember." I scowled but stayed put. Kara opened the door, peeking out and letting the chaotic sounds come in.

"Hurry, get her on the bed! Tyler I.V. now," Mom said, her voice tight with urgency.

supposed to be waiting for Diego to return with Brook. Why


got close, a sharp pain shot through my foot. "Ow, what the hell, man?" I complained, glaring at Andy. He'd run over me with

get right of way, punk," he said, pushing in front of me

at least, let me get out of the way before you

and started to back up when I saw Dad. What was he doing here? As much as I was happy he's okay, he was supposed to be a hostage by now. My heart stuttered to a stop when I saw there was blood all over him. "I didn't know what else to do, Emily! It was the only thing I could think of." Grief chiseled hard lines into his face. He ran his hands through his hair, apparently unaware they too had

stopped what she was doing and took my dad's face in her hands. "I understand Brent, but if you don't let me work, it won't matter. The bite alone

stretcher surrounded by nurses and doctors. No! This was not happening. I pushed the others out of the way, or they

hands up to stop me, but

go," I growled, trying to

back," Diego said, against

I finally saw Brook. The world stopped. I couldn't move, blink, hell or even breathe as I stared at the cut, bruised,

now," Mom barked to the nurses and doctors, who all stared at

the hall and away from me. "Stop Ryder! You can't help her. Emily and the medical staff are her only chance. You

despair making my head spin. This wasn't happening. How did this happen? Rage filled me, and I stood quickly. "What happened? My uncle wasn't going to kill her."

"It wasn't Ryan, or at least he didn't

my hands on that son of

"No, it was Brook."

My eyes widened. "What?"

When I realized what she was going to do...I tried to tell her, but it all happened so fast. One minute she was apologizing and the next she

watering over

me. "How is she alive?

me then looked back to Andy. "The way they fell, Ryan had softened the blow, but she was still dying, bleeding from everywhere it seemed. I did the only thing I

like it worked. She survived long enough to get here," Kara said, looking

there, not sure what to think. So many emotions and thoughts streamed through my head that


if I should be proud or angry.

treat with Black Mountain's new alpha. Hopefully, he's not as bad as his father, yes? You need to be here

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