Supreme Mars

Chapter 13 A Dirty Trick

"Good afternoon, everyone. I'm Martin Bailey from Vesper Corporation."

Martin strutted up to the podium, gazing around the venue with a smile, and proceeded to speak in unhurried tones, "Vesper Corporation has been hoping to cooperate with Atlas Beauty, the rising star in Emerdale, for quite some time now. Now that this day has finally come for us to do so. First, I'd like to express my sincere gratitude to Atlas Beauty."

He paused in his speech to give a respectful nod to Jesse.

Smiling, Jesse motioned him to continue. The act boosted Martin's confidence.

He showed his design plans on the screen, and then went on to present the promotion strategies, supply chain, and marketing channels he had in mind for Atlas Beauty. His eloquence and professionalism clearly impressed Jesse, with the latter nodding along enthusiastically as he listened to Martin's presentation.

Caroline's face is as white as sheet, and she balled her fists. "Damn it, this used to be our forte!"

Rebecca didn't say anything but shot a cold stare at Leo, silently directing her anger towards him.

Over the years, Vesper Corporation had established itself as a corporation with a mature and systematic operational process. But Martin had played no part in Vesper's development; he was merely a thief who swooped in to snatch up all of the glory.

After Martin finished his briefing, Jesse stood up and started clapping. "Excellent!"

The response from the rest of the attendees was clearly less enthusiastic, if the tepid applause from the crowd was any indication.

Still, Martin could not help but grin from ear to ear while thinking, "I didn't expect Jesse to openly support me in public, but he is giving me quite the display. That money was well spent after all."

"Thank you very much, Mr. Watson. Thank you all for listening." Martin gestured them all to quiet down with a glowing face. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of Caroline and Rebecca.

He squinted to be certain, then smirked, "Mr. Watson, you must have heard of the famous '316 Incident', right?"

Caroline and Rebecca's faces paled. Other representatives also began whispering and giving them curious looks.

the food factories listed under the Ford family's name were reported for malpractice

the Ford family had quality control issues,

on March 16th, hence

whispers brought a grim

familiar with

the wretched company responsible for the '316 Incident' are in attendance tonight. Honesty and integrity. Those are the two fundamental

two frauds have no right to participate in today's event. I

with a deep frown. "I had no idea they

under the Ford family that had applied for the bidding, and he had put it on the

Rebecca found themselves

How dare you try to sully our

here has formed their own conclusions about you already, I'd say." Indeed, if the atmosphere in the room was anything to go by, Martin's assumptions were spot

then turned to Caroline and Rebecca: "Sorry, but I cannot allow you two to remain here.

was stunned. She didn't expect things to go south so quickly, nor did she expect Martin to actually backstab them like

she pleaded. "We aren't the perpetrators in the '316 Incident'! We

Fords on the same day. Even a fool could tell that someone

But to what end?

it was only

kicked them out

snorted. "This isn't up for discussion."

charm. The Fords would be eliminated from the bidding event if things went according to plan. Without a collaboration with Atlas Beauty, it would be impossible for

Rebecca's relentless pleas,

is final," Jesse said coldly. "We will not associate with organizations with a criminal record. We have to be conscious of

and then towards Martin on the stage. Rebecca dashed over to Martin and implored, "Mr. Bailey, our family is really struggling right now. Can you just show us some

was then that she realized the source of Martin's confidence;

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