Stuck In His Heart

Chapter 122 Are You Willing To Elope With Me (3)

Following the signs, Consuela quickened her pace to the restroom. She wondered what would happen. That was the thing that Adriana should worry about.

She was just an onlooker. Hearing their story, she felt sorry for them.

Terence had been so nice to Adriana before, as if spoiled her. But now, things had changed.

Consuela shook her head and sighed. As she was about to enter the restroom, a hand reached out and covered her mouth, making her scream swallow into her stomachache

She turned around and was dragged into a room. Behind her was a warm body, and the steady breath upset her eardrum.

The woman widened her eyes in shock. She could even hear the footsteps of the people in the corridor. But her hands and feet were controlled by someone, and she was unable to move at all.

She could feel their ambiguous movements without even taking a look at them. But she looked extremely pale and was completely terrified.

She wondered who would kidnap her. Since she was just a pregnant woman, she had no money and power. Was he the enemy of Richie?

At the thought of this, there was more sweat on her forehead. She was absolutely afraid that she wouldn't be able to see the sun tomorrow because the asshole was so ruthless and resolute.

Shock appeared in the woman's eyes. She was not a bold woman, so she couldn't stay calm in such a situation. "Um... HMM... "

When she pushed the man away with strength, the man behind her seemed to laugh, muffled laughter, and his chest against her back was shaking slightly.

He was a strong man with a strong perfume smell, making people feel salty as the sea breeze.

He said in a helpless voice, "Consuela, just stay where you are. I will let you go if you don't make any sound."

Consuela didn't hear any noises from the people in the corridor. She knew that he was afraid of someone outside searching for him.

deep breath in the bottom of her heart, cooperated with a

hand, stepped forward and closed the door from the inside with a single movement of his hand.

his face clearly in the darkness, so she could only see a faint trace of his face. She pretended to be calm and said, "Terence, are you going

admitted his identity and laughed happily.

took a step back. She wanted to ask him why he had run away from the wedding and why he had to bring her

anything to say

have any questions to

the question at the same time. Consuela was stunned for a short while,

Consuela wanted to go back. But she bumped into the sofa and had to stop walking,

was missing, they would definitely come out to look for her. As long as she wasted the time chatting with him for the others to find her, everything would be

from his wedding, she was not interested at all. And it

door and asked in a low voice, "do you know why I

enough, and his voice sounded

weird place. She couldn't calm down. Thus, Consuela forced

panic. Her big

That man even allowed his temper to

head now, and his

man's mind. The next second,

you give me a good answer, I will let you go... Hehe. " He gave an ambiguous smile which made her

swallowed hard and replied, "go

girl very much. If I give up everything and want to elope with her, if you were the girl, will

her breath after hearing him What answer should she


While ticking...

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