Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 15: Ch.14/ New Home, New Life

Anupama's POV:-


"Shh don't wake mum-mum, let her sleep for some more time."


"Me want mum-mum."


"I know but Papa will feed you breakfast and your puppies are waiting for you."


"Puppiesh? Yeahhhhh..."


"Shhh no screaming."


I hear footsteps heading out of the room before opening my eyes. It's really hard to pretend to sleep when you are awake the whole time. But I didn't want to interrupt Mr. Bianchi and Advira's hush-hush talk, though they were pretty loud to not wake a person up.


I look at the digital clock that is situated on the nightstand and see that it's already 7 AM so I hurriedly get up before getting inside the bathroom for my morning routine. I get ready in a peach color plazo suit which is a gift from Dadabhai.


I am not much of a shopper so it's Dadabhai, Mamoni, or Jasmine Di who has bought my clothes. Yesterday when I came across the huge walk-in closet in this room, I was shocked beyond imagination. Because the closest is full of different types of clothes, accessories, footwear. First, I thought that they were someone else. However, Melody informed me that Mr. Bianchi had ordered her earlier to get a closet full of things for me.


I have to talk to him, he can't just spend his money on these useless things. If he so much wants to spend his money then he should find another way to spend it without wasting on me. But how will I say this to him? He seems like a very strict person to me. If I directly tell him to stop spending money on me then he will definitely not agree with me because for him money is not a problem. So, I have to think about something else. Hmmmmm.


Suddenly, I hear a sound as if someone is scratching on the door. So I get in near the door before opening it slightly to see who it can be. But to my horror, there is a giant dog standing in front of me. I try not to scream in fear because it might bite me.


"H-e-y cu-t-e d-oggi-e le-t me g-o." But it only tilts his head while looking at me. I don't know what breed it is but it has midnight black fur all over its body.


"Fonsie! What are you doing here?" Melody yells at the dog who whimper in return.


Now, he will be very angry with you and will not let you play with your baby sister." Melody says standing in front of the dog who lays down on the floor before covering its eyes with the front paws. Okay, that's a really adorable


Nonna will tell Papa


scold the dog so badly." I tell Melody who is rubbing


know but they need to understand that you are scared of


not looking good to me." I state before putting my hands on


dining room for breakfast." She replies while smiling at me. I return her smile but still have a feeling


a look of distaste. Melody has already introduced everybody to me yesterday so today we don't need any discussion and If I remember correctly her name is Linda. Like yesterday, she is wearing a very revealing outfit. I have learned that Melody has chosen the outfits for the maids but Linda never listens to her and wears whatever she wants. I shake my head before taking a seat on the table. Melody


Advira?" I ask when I don't see them


what is the meaning of our little princess's name? The name sounds very


talk to anyone of my family and it's already one


are you thinking about?"


important. I have finished my breakfast, can I go outside to see what Advira is doing?"


She replies softly before sipping on her herbal tea. Back in Kolkata, I have to take permission before doing a little things which always made me feel like an




smile which makes me feel happy. When I get outside I realize that there are a lot of men in black clothes guarding the house. They also bow to me when I pass by them.


maids about them. She informs me that Mr. Bianchi is taking a stroll with his horse in the ring located at the backside of the house while two maids are taking care of Advira in a garden nearby. She also shows me the way to go there.


has instructed me, I find the garden in a few minutes where I see my baby playing in the garden. She is currently touching some pretty flowers in the garden with


causing me to laugh along with her. I kiss her both cheeks


a lot of toys with them. When they notice me, they give me a smile of recognization. I also notice the dogs lurking around the garden but for some reason, they haven't come in front of me. That makes me feel guilty but my experience


me. I look at Advira to see that she is now playing with the dogs


ride a brown color horse but the horse is not letting him. Mr. Bianchi and some other men giving instructions to Samuel who is clearly struggling to control the animal. Suddenly, Samuel is thrown by the horse harshly. I hurriedly go near the ring before gasping in fear seeing the blood coming from Samuel's mouth. Before I can say anything Mr. Bianchi jump in the ring through the fence. He gets


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