Savage Mates

Chapter 32

Chapter Thirty-Two: Can’t have you going feral 

I couldn’t pull my gaze away from the sleeping woman on the couch. How her long legs were tucked up, her heart shaped face relaxed with sleep. Her hair tangled from the mating that both of my friends had put her through.

She shifted in her sleep and I willed her to wake up, to show me what the color her eyes were. How she looked when she smiled. Anything about her that I could learn. I wanted to know it all. I took a step closer and her hair fell to the side, baring the claiming mark on her throat. She was human; it was clear from the way the bite looked. Her skin was angry and red and I knew that it must have hurt her to get it. But I knew that they would have made it pleasurable for her, too.

The room reeked of their couplings making something stir inside of me. My beast was intrigued. I could picture her moving with the two of them, how they would have fucked her, claimed her.

My body pulsed at the thought of watching the two of them, of the thought of how she would look as I ordered her to fuck them. How it would feel to finally show her that she wasn’t just their mate, but mine as well.

I wanted to fuck her. To claim her for mine.

Moving forward, I watched Ryan’s arms tense up around her. My gaze shot to his face and I could see the worry in his blue eyes before they dropped down away from mine.

“Alpha.’ He whispered, tilting his head to the side in a show of submission.

His words stopped me mid stride. Reminding me that he was a member of my pack, someone that I called a friend. I couldn’t take his mate from him. I didn’t know if he and Travis would be willing to share her, even if I could bring myself to tell them who she was to me.

over at Travis. his jewel like eyes had grown dark, but I could tell that he knew. There was worry and hesitation in the way that he moved, almost like he was afraid that I was going to attack

shoulder and I jerked back. He smelled so strongly of her sweet scent

want to drag him closer. To see if his lips tasted

I lifted an eyebrow at him and he shook his

I almost hurt Kelly.” I said, looking away from him and back towards her. Her lips parted and I wondered how they would feel pressed against mine as I kissed her awake. Demanded her attention until she was

was worried I would never have. A part of me was glad that she wasn’t awake. It would be

me? Fuck man, I’m your god damn

away from watching her. Slowly looking back at him as I sorted out what to say. The happiness that had been in

shoulder at his… What would he be to him, mate in law? One day lover? Guy that fucks his

be able to remain just friends if they shared a mate. I had heard that the pull to share with your mate’s other lovers was something that was inevitable. That the same pull could be felt and fuck my life if I wasn’t feeling drawn to

said. “He’s drawn to Tillie and he’s close to

quiet that I could hear the music from the club below. I didn’t want to turn to look at my best friend. I could already see it on Travis’ face, the struggle that he was feeling. I was his alpha and his friend and he knew the future for me. Unless they let me


made my curiosity rise. I rolled it

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