Rules of Engagement

Chapter 21 recording the kiss

"Then I will quit, and everyone will be less stressful," Elsa didn't care about it at all. Although she had considered about this opportunity, she didn't want to continue at all when facing him.

Johnny said, "Actually, their decision is that I, Cindy and the editor of the military page participate in this follow-up report. They were planning to hire another male reporter, but I really wanted to help you. And I will get what you want. "

"Thank you. I appreciate it. But I'm sorry that I can't sell my marriage in advance and I don't want to take part in this follow-up report. " "And, you'd better not play tricks on Cindy."

"Zaza, no matter how you escape, you are still caring about me, right?"

"I'm sorry. I just don't want to be involved in the gossip in the office." Then she went out of the office. She was a little bit regret for her application that show her want to participate in the report.

But none of them had thought that this would happen. At that time, she also wanted to seize this opportunity. After all, she had always been fond of men. She wanted to take a closer look at their lives.

When she went out, Cindy took a look at Elsa and snorted, "I heard that you care about your work when you take the break. Now I know that you want to go to report with us!"

The tone was very long. It seemed that Elsa came to the newspaper in order to dally with her new boss.

Without answering her, she turned around and left.

Getting angry with Cindy was one of the stupidest things Elsa had ever done about relationship. Three years ago, when Cindy came to work, the senior leader told Elsa to teach her something. Elsa taught her sincerely. Sometimes when Elsa went on a news report in the sun, Cindy would sit in a tea restaurant and drink coffee. Every time she was kind-hearted, she would bring a cup of coffee for her.

She vaguely heard about the connections between Cindy and other leaders of the group, but she didn't think too much about that. She just felt more responsibility to teach her, and gave her some advices in every aspect, hoping to help her with her revenge as soon as possible. She had gone through this period and knew how difficult the new comer was.

However, two months had passed, and there was no report that her can write at all.

The test system of the newspaper was very strict. If the disciples failed to complete the bulk work in three consecutive months, they would be sent back to the personnel department for training and reappeared.

to do was to integrate them into a manuscript, in

didn't expect was that the draft Cindy submitted to her didn't contain the "five strikes"

face turned dark. For the first time, she found out the wrong and asked her to rewrite

weather is bad these days and my period is coming soon. I'm really not in the

have to finish it! " Elsa said seriously,

in front of everyone in the

disturbance was that the leader asked Elsa to apologize to Cindy

refused to apologize and didn't think she did anything wrong. They had reached a deadlock for a long time. Because he was too stubborn, the matter finally

After changing to be under Lily's leadership, Cindy soon began to release several very powerful social reports. For a while, the news became a hot topic in the newspaper. The conflicts between Elsa and she

leaders found her take a lot of drafts, indicating that she could spare some of them to Cindy to put on a show. Everyone in the office knew the inside story clearly. However, they didn't expect that

she didn't want to. Since she couldn't make friends with Cindy, she gave

of what Johnny want to do. There was a person in the world who was like a toad, who did not bite people but made

home, the good mood she had in the morning had gone. She

put them in order. There were a key and a necklace presented by Zed and Mia. The key was indeed the key to the master bedroom of Soren. The key shaped Necklace looked very beautiful. As a result, Elsa put it on her neck in front of the mirror.

the dress that everyone was attracted by their radiant lights. It

was brought back by Soren last night. Several times she wanted to reach out to read the contents

think about adding some "materials" to the novel. The novel not only needed to be published, but also had to be publicized online. The content to be promoted on the Internet could

the kiss between Soren and

more than half an hour to write more than a dozen lines of words. She looked at those strange words and quickly deleted them. She would always

he was free, nor did she dare to call him. Besides, even if she

ask about the couple, and if she

good impression on Soren's mother, Susie. She said smilingly,

for his father, she could see from the details that their relationship was not that good. She didn't ask Soren this question and also didn't have the chance to ask him, so she just ignored

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