Rejected Mate and Following Fate

Chapter 106: The Manor

Getting close to the manor is easier than I thought it would be. Domi was right about the fact the valley is almost like a deserted prison camp. Everything around the manor is still and empty while the valley has all those who are no longer loyal to their alpha, pushed away. Separated by electric fences, speakers playing nonstop the silent frequency to stop the vampire weapon being used against them. The whole place is eerie, like a deserted army barracks and strangely dark despite all the spotlights hanging from posts. None are on.

It’s almost like the aftermath of a battle in itself and if it weren’t for the distant chaotic noise of a real war going on, it would be as silent as the surface of the moon. There are no birds, no small animals, not even any kind of patrols and all the security cameras are facing the ground.

It feels like life has slipped away in what used to be a bustling busy home filled to the brim with an eager pack. Most of the windows are boarded and with only the moonlight as illumination, the place looks like a haunted house in some spectacular horror remake.

“I don’t like this.” I murmur to myself as Sierra and Carmen turn human and come to my side, pushing Radar and my other flanking wolf aside. We stand staring up at the dark building, no longer afraid of danger when the nothingness surrounds us. You can sense the fact that there is nothing here to be afraid of.

“Are they even in there?” Carmen steps in front of me and peers long and hard at the top west tower and its balcony. The room that belonged to Juan and we see not a single light in the entire place flickering through boards and curtains.

“He’s there. I can feel him. He is hiding like the coward he is, locked away tight with his few.” Sierra’s venom rings true, and I find myself staring at her for a long moment and truly questioning what she knows right now. There’s a change in her now we are here, and it makes me nervous to think she is suddenly unpredictable if she has the knowledge we are no longer bound.

If she knows, what will she do? Her death won’t affect me and that scares me more than anything. Her desire to see Juan die….it trumps even her need to survive. I know how strong her will to put things right is, and her devotion to ending this.

“You’re right. They’re in there. At least a dozen of them or more last time the crows saw him venture out with his men and I can almost guarantee they know about the vampires too.” Leyanne nods towards one sole camera which has a small red light blinking in the dark. I stare until my eyes adjust and realize it’s moving, spanning the area and functioning normally. Maybe the rest are dead, but he still has one eye on his surroundings. The camera room was always operational from inside those walls and I shiver with knowing we are being monitored.

“So we just sit and wait? And do what? Play eye spy? Wave?” I snap, out of frustration, annoyed that while our people are out there, we’re standing here like none of this affects us. I know Colton thinks this is for the best and eventually they will come this way, but this just feels weird and wrong. Like we’re hiding from the fight.


I’m side struck away from Carmen out of the blue, taken by surprise as I’m caught by another wolf and pulled down to the ground. Covered with a heavy brown furry beast as he bears down shielding me. Panting heavily, my heart skyrockets through my chest and I squirm on the dirt as I try to come to terms with what just happened. There’s noise of scraping claws, gnashing teeth, and yet I am concealed and can only wriggle to get purchase from the wolf on top of me.

Luna. Are you okay?

asks via the link in haste, moving enough for me to scurry to my feet and get behind him, to be immediately flanked by other

still recognize them as some of the subpack which used to run as perimeter sentinels when we lived here. It’s not hard to see they are not in the best

excessive heavy breathing as they are held down, and it’s now I can even see how thin and unkempt they are in wolf form. They don’t look

offspring of loyal followers to Juan. Sons of his close command

turn to human form too and Radar pulls the closest one to him with force, holding him in a grip with arms folded across his back as he bears down on his spine with

attack our Luna? Do you want to die?” Radar snarls into his ear while a crushing crack as he applies force to his ex-pack mate’s spine makes me flinch. In soldier mode Radar is known for being ruthless. He can be brutal and

Luna, nor an Alpha! Deserters who turned their back on us and left us to suffer…. Don’t insult us.” Aiden, the wolf on the ground snarls right back despite being held tight but

A sudden surge of guilt flowing through me because what Aiden said isn’t completely wrong and I know Radar won’t hesitate to break his bones. We did leave them, and they have suffered. I don’t blame the ones left to roam free for hating us and believing we abandoned them. Radar relents a little and sits back on his haunches with a sulking hint of grudged obedience, giving Aiden room

help.” My heart bleeds for these wolves and I can already tell by reading their emotions that the intention to attack us was not for Juan, but for their own heartbreak and pain. I wonder how many of the villagers were hostile towards our wolves fighting for them for the same

you going to do?” Another of

and listen to the noise in the air. That sound of war and death! Your people are fighting for their lives and where is Juan? Who are the ones who came for you? Scoff all you want but she IS your Luna, and WE are here to help.” Carmen steps forward and kicks the thigh of the second wolf with a sharp dig, gaining a snarl in response from the one I recognize as Taemin. A once valued sentinel and someone Colton treated like a brother. A wolf who couldn’t

He’s dead to us. Just like his son. Nothing good ever came from the sacred Santa bloodline where they’re concerned.” The third, Robyn grinds out to join the conversation, another from the same sub pack and yet despite his hateful tone, there’s a sadness in his eyes as I lock my focus on his face. Behind their fury and venomous words,

can go on with this attitude and become a hindrance, or you can get up, dust off and do

when Juan turned on us?” Taemin struggles to get free but is kneeled upon by an extra wolf as they regain control of him. None of the guards are letting up and seems even if

We weren’t here…. we were in another place fighting to survive and trying to figure out how to fix a fractured pack. We were out there licking our wounds and struggling to know what to do, while being

your friends and family to Colton’s side. Look at me…. You know who I am. I was here until only a few weeks ago, so don’t give me your bullshit and act like you were the only ones. I lived here; I know what went down. I’m telling you to suck it up and stop acting like sulky babies.” Carmen walks around to the front of all three and stands with

a moment as they stare her down and then break contact and all three look away. Clearly recognizing her and knowing what she says is truth, but that high strung wolf gene is hard to dampen. I can feel their fire dying a little and look around me to double check there

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