Please Love Me, Mr. George

Chapter 58 She Went to Shower

I nodded and looked at the report on his computer. I had to admit that Luis was a very good leader in terms of his work abilities.

He was very efficient and courageous.

After finishing the report, he closed his eyes and leaned his body back on the sofa. He rubbed his eyes and closed them, pretended to be dreaming as he placed the back of his hand on his forehead, and said with some fatigue, “Mr. Andrews from the branch office called and said that he wanted to invite you to dinner tonight.”

I nodded while seeing his sleepy face, “Well, why don’t you go back to the room and sleep for a while.”

He looked at the time, shook his head, and said, “No, I’ll just lean here for a bit.” After a pause, he said, “There are some financial issues in the branch office. If you don’t take a closer look, you won’t be able to tell. It is probably some higher management staff that had embezzled funds and casually found a project to fool others. Take a look, it involves millions of dollars!”

I nodded and started to look into all of the accounts. The branch office was modelled after the George Group and its operational model. City A was developing smoothly hence Dennis handed over a lot of its rights to the president here.

He didn’t often intervene in many of its affairs. I took a closer look and found that there was indeed a problem with a project. Under normal circumstances, for a small accident from a project, there was no reason why millions of funds were spent to cover up for it. Even if it is used to subsidize work-related injuries, it wouldn’t have amounted to such a figure. It was apparent that someone had misappropriated it.

“This matter may have to be handled by Jason Andrews!” I spoke and looked back at Luis but didn’t expect him to be asleep.

I got up and took a quilt from the bedroom to cover him.

There were still two hours left, so he could rest for a while. He hasn’t rested much from yesterday till now.

After sorting out the information, my phone vibrated, and it was Diana who called.

I picked up the call and her background noise were a little noisy, but her voice could still head, “Clara, you’re in City A, right? Send me your location, I’ll find you in a bit!”

I was taken aback, “Are you also in City A?”

Didn’t she ever mention that she wanted to travel in Armstrong Island, why is she in City A?

“I saw from your social media. I knew you were in City A, so I came here. I just got off the plane. Send me the address and I’ll come and find you.”

we hung up the phone, I sent Diana a message on Facebook. I saw I had a few messages, I scanned through them. Some of them

that Mario said that he would also be coming to City

with a deep and pleasant voice, “Which hotel are you

in City A too?” I asked thinking it was a

call you when you called. Which hotel are

louder voice, “Windemn Restaurant, the one along

“Ok, see you later!”

I was going out

been shopping for a long time, so it’s good to

I didn’t find the other room’s key card. Luis was also asleep. Seeing that

and he was

I had felt greasy, fortunately, I

bathroom, changed my clothes, and put on light makeup. When I

only heard him speak in a daze and say, “Hello,

party responded, he said in a low voice, “She went to

another yes and

the bathroom and saw him leaning on the sofa, in a half-awake state, as if

are you dressed up

was still in his hand. I couldn’t help but think of the call he had just answered, and I

“You answered my call just

the phone to me, and said, “It ranged several times, it woke me

the phone, ignored him, and flipped through the call history.


and it

said angrily, “What did you

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