Nephilim and the Nun

Chapter 6: •Test•


My eyes opened slowly, and the first thing that graced my sight was the concrete roof of the cell. At first, my vision was blurry but after blinking a few times, I was able to see properly. I moved my limbs in an attempt to sit up. The numbness that had attacked me had worn off but the bullet in my chest was still stuck there. Involuntarily, I winced from the pain but that didn't stop me from sitting.

"You're awake". The familiar voice filtered into my ears.

For the first time since I'd encountered her, her voice was soft, portraying concern.

I hadn't noticed I wasn't alone till she spoke. Looking at her, she was seated on the same cloth she'd brought the last time, a paper bag beside her.

"Does this always happen?".

Her voice was laced with worry while her eyes strayed to the bullet hole in my chest.

"Why do you care?".

My voice came out hoarse than I'd expected as a result of the dryness of my throat from being out for hours. Seeming to notice it, she offered me a bottle of water from the paper bag. I moved closer to the bars and took it from her, gulping down the contents till it was empty.

"I saw what happened yesterday". She paused, searching my eyes for any form of hostility but seeing none, she continued. "I'd come back to get my phone and I saw Father Elliot shoot you before draining blood from your body into a blood bag".

I stared at her continuously, with an expressionless gaze.

"For how long has he been doing that and what does he need your blood for?".

"Shouldn't you know that, if not then clearly, you're not well equipped for the job you took".

here, I want to know how you got here and why you think I work for the General. Most especially, I also want to know what the

be happy to tell you the story of his successful

into space as though

the Priest and I'd

Her curiosity was top notch but I was going to

out of here and I'll tell you about the priest".

she'd agree to that. Gonzalez mustn't have told her about the priest.

should I

Exactly what I thought.

knowing what he uses my blood


me about you and why you're here. I just

I'd seen nothing on her phone, I still didn't trust her but telling her about me wasn't going to hurt me at that point. So

it takes for money and to also be praised. Many times, he'd collected bribes from enemy countries and terrorists and fed the government with lies to prevent them from investigating the cases. He was aware I knew

"What about the priest?".

me to him. The priest as you call him is also like the General. Behind his facade of being holy, he seeks demonic power and immortality. That's what he uses my blood

brows knitting together in

he gets from me into his body, allowing it to mix with his blood. In

didn't give out any form of

out, my demeanor quickly turning to annoyance and

She responded absentmindedly. "Err...I-I

do you know about the priest?". I stared at

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