My Lady Chef

Chapter 125: The Sage's Tower

Lorelei's POV:

I was late!

I thought to myself as I had my maid dress me up in a simple manner and was fastening my cloak when I almost collided with a figure that came out of the room in front of me.

I halted and saw who it was.

My father and his knight, Sir Percival. I inherited my teal green hair from him and even my mother said I looked a lot like him except for the eyes. I got them from her and it was because of that, My father does not maintain much eye contact when we meet.

I heard that looking into my eyes somehow makes it painful for him.

It has always been that but for some reason, something inside him has changed because he was now staring at me without turning away.

This was the first time he has locked gazes with me ever since I baked him some muffins to go with his coffee the other night.

"Good afternoon Father, Sir Percival." I curtsied to him automatically.

The knight smiled and nodded but my father's unsmiling expression did not change but his keen eye saw my attire and cloak.

"Where are you going?" He asked me.

I blinked. He has never cared about where I am going....

"Oh. Ah...Her Grace, The duchess Alaina asked me to accompany her to an..." I almost blurted out the destination of the place but stopped myself "an excursion in the city today. I asked for your permission yesterday night, sir."

"I see. Carry on. Be home by your curfew, Lorelei." he reminded me sternly.

"Yes, sir."

kept my bow until he walked away. When his footsteps faded, I resumed my quick pace as I ran towards the front

lap, a leather book tucked between her fingers. She was looking pretty in a beautiful dusky rose gown

sat beside her as the carriage door shut and we drove off. " Thankfully, The Sage's Tower is happy to receive

fluffed my blue gown free of the creases. " So please tell me why are we going to the Tower? Not everyone can get permission to go there. Not

annoyed but also resigned. "I told him I will not use magick since I am more interested in cooking but he insisted that it was for my safety. It was a long debate last

not know you can

I could do it

"When did this happen?"

infiltration of the remaining rebels while my husband left to escort the prince and

know the consequences of using magick without knowing your limits, People get hurt and they

The duchess smiled.

"I recovered rather quickly."

days to recover. But since everyone knows now that Lady Alaina has fey blood in her; that may be

Crystals. It sat on an island in the middle of a lake located just

the Tower's signature white robes and a silver belt greeted us with respect and asked the driver to wait here

companion. The Master has heard of the Duke's request. Please follow me." the young man was polite as he led us to the edge of

your mana to activate the bridge to the Tower." The guide offered to

slowly placed a hand on the orb. It glowed and a rumbling sound accompanied by an emerging

complete. " the guide smiled warmly at us. "Ladies. Please follow

from the lake so we did not need to put up our skirts as we crossed it and soon the huge wooden doors

very thick door as the mage knocked on the wooden surface and it creaked as it opened as if pulled by an invisible

very simple with a few drapes along the windows and banners emblazoned with the Tower's emblem which

a swirling ribbon that ties everything

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