My Lady Chef

Chapter 109: Her Reputation is My Reputation- Part 1

Margaret's POV:

There were two rules that every lover of Duke Aisenburg knows.

One. Do not ever fall in love with him.

Two. Never do anything to taint his reputation.

Before I tried to pursue him, I looked into his long list of assignations and found out that several women have suffered at his hands when they tried to shackle the duke to them by means of deceit and lies.

As a result, their families were either bankrupt or the said families were forced to exile their daughters to another country or convent to save face to prevent the duke's wrath from wiping their family off the face of the world.

I have tried to appeal to him through gentler means like showing him I was helpful when I visited him in Guthrie. I had hoped that the generous gesture would coax him back into my arms and I could slowly seduce him...

And taste his delicious body again...

Yes. I am drunk on Ezran's way of making love. No past lover of mine had been able to make me come like the way he does. He may be stoic and serious but in the bedroom, he was masterful and knows just how to touch a woman and bring her pleasure.

Before I knew it. I wanted more of him.  Oh, I love the power and prestige that would have come with being the Duchess of Aisenburg but having a handsome and virile husband who can pleasure me every night was so much better. So much more that I genuinely tried to please him in many ways and hope he would consider me as a bride.

And I thought he would waver but then he met "her".

Alaina Beaucamp. the little witch who managed to attain everything I wanted.

hatched a plan to discredit the stupid girl the moment my plan to seduce

that the Duke cast her aside as a marriage candidate when he took a wife. She was a proud woman and I

with her and demand a divorce while making her suffer socially and mentally

had been working out so

a few lies mixed with facts for the Princess to gossip over to her ladies in waiting, who in turn told the sordid tales to their peers. And of course, the gossip soon found its way to the

social pariah and I am sure once the Princess opens her royal mouth to spit out the poisonous lies. It will

could be the one to nurse the duke's wounded reputation when he packs her off

feel good as I


organized in the Princess Palace were always good and the food and sweets were especially exquisite and delicious as well. I am sure one of Princess Miranda's ladies did the party planning for this as

ladies and even Lady Baristani, whose status as the daughter of a lowly baron made

royal function! No lady belonging to a baron house is

already took action as soon as she saw Lady Baristani as her voice made

did not even look nervous.

forgive me but she is my guest." Princess Anneal

weak-minded lady running but the younger princess looked

you don't know your place as the last born princess but to lower your standards and befriend a....baron's daughter.

saw the younger princess grow pale and her hands trembled. I laughed

one can go against the Mistress of the Princess Palace after

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