My beautiful boss

Chapter 35 False Evidence And Incrimination

Peter asked the cab driver to pull over and sent Brandon in a hospital for treatment before heading straight home.

Shelly approached Peter anxiously the moment he arrived at work the next day. "Oh, Peter, something bad happened. Mr. Zhang came back and asked to see you in his office!"

"Mr. Zhang? Who is he? I don't think I've met him before, " Peter asked, confused.

"Mr. Zhang, whose full name is Jaden Zhang, has worked in our company for a dozen years. He is one of Miss Song's subordinates, but Miss Song won't offend him if not necessary. There are also rumors that he has been supporting Bob."

Shelly whispered quickly.

"He's supporting Bob?" 'This can't be good, ' Peter thought. He would have preferred to decline the meeting, but he knew he had no choice.

He was about to knock when a woman with a voluptuous figure opened the door for him.

"You must be Peter Wang. Mr. Zhang is in a meeting now. Please come in and wait for a moment, " the woman said, giving Peter a subtle but provocative glance.

Peter didn't know what to make of it. 'Is this woman trying to flirt with me at first sight? Am I even that attractive?'

If he weren't in a professional setting, he would have flirted back.

"Thanks, " Peter replied politely as he entered. The woman handed Peter a glass of water before walking out of the office.

Peter was pleasantly surprised. He almost suspected that the woman would seduce him and then accuse him of indecent assault. Apparently, he was wrong.

"Oh god, come on baby..."

Suddenly, a strange voice coming from Jaden's personal computer got Peter's attention.

Confused, Peter walked over to check what was on the computer screen.

red when he caught

pornographic materials in the office! What a pervert! No wonder his secretary

for minutes. When he was finally about to go back to his seat, the contents of the screen

you're doing?" A middle-aged man in a fine suit walked

" Peter replied.

at Peter unconvinced and quickly walked to also view his screen. "How dare you steal classified information for

anything!" said Peter, quickly denying the allegations.


computer and threw it to the desk. "You can't lie to me. If you

was in trouble.

the business world was like a battlefield. He should have

man arrested for corporate espionage, " the middle-aged man immediately ordered his secretary, giving Peter no chance to

nodded and did what she

Silverland Group. He had been out for a business trip several days ago. Upon arrival, he was

when he found out that Peter, the guy responsible for Bob's beating, was connected

henchmen attacked. He then decided to set

not mine. I would never steal

be the ones who'll decide your fate, " Jaden said,

Peter as a tool. Jaden wanted to show Bella that she couldn't get away

In the CEO office

stood up the moment the news reached her.

company knows about it now.

Bella said,

it was a setup, but what she couldn't understand was why Peter fell into it that easily.

were in Jaden's office. Some of them were reprimanding

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