My beautiful boss

Chapter 7 Spineless

Not waiting for a response, the woman entered the elevator and left.

Peter was stunned.

'Are security guards really treated this way? I get threatened to be fired casually!' thought Peter.

"Who was that woman? She was so arrogant!" Peter asked Shelley before she covered his mouth hurriedly to stop him.

"Shush, Peter! It's dangerous to talk about Miss Song like that. Do you even care about your career? Leave me out of it if you want to ruin yours. I happen to like my job here." Shelly looked as if she was about to cry.

Bella had a notorious reputation. As the President of Silverland Group, she was highly objective and calculating in all her decisions. She valued results and efficiency above all, which allowed her to be highly impartial. On her bad days, she could be found reprimanding anyone who happened to cross her path, sometimes even firing them with no reason at all.

Senior company executives and general staff alike were all wise enough to be careful around her on these occasions. It was very risky to talk about her badly, even in private. The consequences could be dire.

"Just be sure to be careful, Peter. Remember to stay calm when you meet Miss Song. Don't speak unless spoken to, and never interrupt her. Be sure to not annoy her, else, that's a sure bye-bye." Shelly whispered

As Lisa nodded in agreement. "It's true. Miss Song doesn't need a reason to fire anybody."

"I'm sorry, Peter. I can't help you out here, man." Jack sighed.

Peter shifted uncomfortably. 'It's just a woman. What's the worse that could happen? You should calm down like me, rather than be nervous. Besides, so what if she fires me? This isn't a very nice place anyway. I'll just be a punching bag here if I stay. There's probably something out there better for me.' Peter tried to convince himself.

'Damn it! I've killed so many people in the battlefield and now I'm afraid of a woman in an office? What is wrong with you, Peter? Worst case scenario, we go back to the construction site. That isn't the worst!'

The elevator doors opened. Peter puffed up his chest. straightened himself out, and started to walk as calmly as he could manage.

The 38th floor was where upper management held office, including the CEO.

Peter's eyes grew wide as he walked around.

was filled with beautiful women in uniform darting back and forth with swift but dainty steps,


to be fired, anyway. Might as well enjoy

gave him quick reproachful looks as they went about their business. It was obvious

happenned to

greeted Peter as he

"Hey, Clair! My name is Peter Wang. Miss Song asked me to

nerve of this guy, giving me orders! Even the President wouldn't talk

gave him a blank look.

many people of different statures. This faceless, nameless security guard is unbelievable. I wonder what stupid he did to get

her inner thoughts, Clair mustered a courteous smile. "Good day, Mr. Wang. Please wait, I'll

up! I can't be

over. 'What an

Peter felt satisfied.

they were better than others, and Peter

so much hassle on his first day of work, but he felt better after standing up for himself and his friends.

really bad thing to be called to the President's office. He's almost sure he's going to be fired. There's nothing he

gestured Peter to come in. Peter ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt

majestic leather chair. She gave Peter a cold look and scanned him from head to toe.

until now, Miss President? What do you

from a whole day of being sized up, Peter decided to just speak his mind. "Miss Song, I'm still

to sound respectful despite the

Then, you provoked Bob, the Head of Security. All these, on your first day. You're quite bold, Mr. Wang."

you bet I did. And I can do the same thing to you if I get out of control. How do you plan to deal with me?'

happened, Miss Song. I promise I will not let that

right thing, but this woman is

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