Mrs. Marsh's Revealed Identities

Chapter 144 She Wouldn'T Quit

"Boss," the man on the phone said, "Something is odd. Mr. Marsh had moved to Kelsington Bay. Hs's working and living there."

"…" Spencer looked surprised.

The man on the phone added, "This is true. Finnley had delivered a computer and office supplies there."

There was something in Spencer's mind, "Got it." Then he hung up and wondered if anything happened to Aubree.

So Ivan didn't have time to bother with him these days? Spencer wondered.

Was Aubree dying? Or was she trying to kill herself?

Upstairs at Kelsington Bay.

Pippa sent two boxed meals upstairs with vegetables and steaks.

Jennifer didn't want to eat downstairs with her mask on, so she had been eating in the drug lab with Rowan all this time.

But Aubree asked that door couldn't be shut so she usually just ate in her bedroom.

door and locked it before Jennifer could leave

"Just eat here."

to take off her mask, walking towards her and eyeing

then took off

cheeks flushed, and she hurriedly turned

while eating with

steak into her meal box, "Have more

Rowan away, "Stay away from her.


turned around and gazed at Ivan with a rather serious face, "You are so childish

I'm being childish. I care about my mom and I hired you with a billion. Shouldn't I supervise

It did make sense.

sitting on the couch with Aubree

didn't feel like

so the business is all on you. I hope it won't be too much for you." Aubree had a half mask on

duty." Catherine promised, "Even if you didn't ask me today, I'll still do

designing lately?" Aubree was caring

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