Mr. Powell Is Hunting for His Wife

Chapter 2: She Came Back after Six Years

Six years later, at the International Airport of Sliwell…

A tall and slender woman was wearing a black suit and tight skirt, showing her long legs.

She was wearing a pair of sunglasses that covered half of her face. Although her face was hidden, she was still surrounded by an aura that would not be defeated by the aura of any famous celebrity.

Her sexy body figure stood out among the crowds who were passing by.

Two kids, boy and girl aged around five were following behind her, and they were extremely adorable.

There was no expression on the little boy’s face. He had an indifferent aura and he looked mature.

Contrary to him, the little girl had way more expressions.

Her big eyes blinked and she raised her head, asking, “Is this mommy’s hometown?”

Her baby voice was listenable.

Diana let out a smile and glimpsed at her daughter with a loving look, replying, “Yeah!”

Six years ago, she was put into a gunny bag, tied to a rock and thrown into the sea.

She initially thought that was going to be the end of her life, but luckily the mistress of the Smith family saved her. Because of her kindness, she was able to live.

The mistress had even given her a plane ticket to fly abroad and money for living expenses.

Diana then realized she was pregnant not long after she went abroad.

“Dear sister, if I show up before you, would you be surprised?” she murmured. There was a cold light in her eyes, but as she looked at the two kids, her eyes became gentle.

After being pregnant, Diana did not intend to give birth to the two kids. To her, that was the humiliation from that night, the biggest joke in her years of life.

Yet as she lied on the icy operation table, she regretted.

No matter what she encountered that night, no matter what that man did to her, those were still her children.

to the two children and had raised

bully and humiliate her

longer Diana Moss, but the number one perfume maker

she came back this time was because

with the Powell family after all these

the kids’ head with a smile.

obediently, while Austin Moss pouted in disgust. “Mommy, stop ruining my hairstyle.”

Diana chuckled. “Alright.”

were twins, their personalities differed very

was staring

that woman?” Brooklyn spoke, and his deep eyes were full

His secretary who was standing beside him was

know that lady’s information when there were so

when his master become interested in other woman besides that woman? And that woman even had kids? “Mr. Powell, we’re

eyes when he heard that.

be very surprised if he did, because the twins looked

She turned around but did not discover anything.

are getting married. The perfect couple of six years is finally going to enter the next stage of life!”

from the big screen of the airport. The thumbnail was Madam Powell shopping


she left while taking the two kids.

the airport, and Brooklyn naturally saw the news on the big screen. His expressionless face instantly became gloomy. “Find out which entertainment company

to marry that woman? Harper inevitably

he handed the phone over

as long as she was by his

else, she would not let Brooklyn engaged with her. What baffled Harper was, although Mirabelle was now Brooklyn’s fiancée, Brooklyn still forbid them to

took over the phone. “Brooklyn, when

was brimming care in her sweet voice. “No idea. I still have an important meeting later,” Brooklyn spoke blandly and seemed

other end of

had been six years, the perfume her

sought for countless perfume makers, but

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