Mr. Conrad Proposes to His Ex-wife Again

Chapter 17: Shall We Give It to the Wife?

Stella’s movements seemed to stop for a second, but her expression was well-maintained.

“Previously I had some negotiations, and I was just bringing her along to some events.”


Clarence grabbed her wrist impatiently, “I have made things clear to you, but you are still going to show me this attitude?”

Stella stared at his eyes and said seriously, “I am really grateful that you go out of your way to explain things to me, but… You don’t actually need to explain anything to me since we are going to proceed with divorce proceedings.”

“Isn’t the reason you wanted to divorce me because you thought that she was pregnant and I had cheated on you?”

In the past, he always assumed that Stella had her own motives for going after a divorce, but Nathan had suggested that she might be throwing a tantrum in this regard, and he had advised him to make her feel better.

At that time, he couldn’t think of any reason she could use to throw a tantrum.

That stayed true until the appearance of her little brother.

Seeing that Stella didn’t say a word, Clarence added, “Stella, is it so hard to trust me? I won’t let any woman to bear my child, including you. Do you understand?”

His last sentence was like a sharp needle that silently tore through Stella’s heart.

Of course, she understood that.

In the past three years of their marriage, no matter the situation, he would never forget to do every measure to evade pregnancy.

Stella understood very well that his action not only meant that he wouldn’t want a child. It was a mockery to the measure she had used back when she wanted to marry him.

After a few seconds of silence, Stella suddenly announced, “I’m pregnant now.”

Clarence’s pupils immediately contracted, and he instinctively increased the strength in his hand. His voice suddenly became chilly, which seemed to cool down the temperature in the suite, “Stella!”

“Don’t you always want to know what I am thinking? Clarence, I am pregnant, and I need to plan for the future of my baby. I want half of your inheritance, and also the stock of the Conrad Group…”

Clarence flung her away violently, “That’s enough!”


glancing at it, “How many times do you plan

and she forced a smile, “You are able to expose me in such a short time. It seems that I need to think of another


devoid of any feelings, “Tomorrow at nine in the morning, meet at the Civil Affairs Bureau. I hope you don’t have any

Clarence had disappeared from the suite, she slowly picked up the pieces of paper

it was not like she didn’t

well that… the pregnancy topic was

would be like setting off

suite, Sherry’s heart was racing like she was an ant scurrying around on a hot frying pan. It had been ten minutes, and the manager who

at this critical timing, but suddenly the door swung open and out came Clarence. He had a chilly and emotionless face, and he was exuding a cold aura. He was leaving this

Even the manager

long after Clarence had gone, Stella finally

a huge sigh of relief, “Stella, what is going

you all about it when we get home.” Stella looked at the manager and asked,

manager replied, “Miss

room in the

the sound of the door

“Why are

came forward and sucked in a gasp, “My Channing baby, why are you injured like this? Did that

turned his face away without saying

that Clarence had hit Channing, the truth was Channing had failed to beat Clarence

on Channing’s face were more severe than those on Clarence’s


up his stuff in the store

was going to

he finally understood how they were connected in a web of messy relationships. Previously, he was in the dark about Channing’s identity as the brother of the wife of Mr. Conrad, and now that he

too hasty and aggressive today. I’m sorry. I will bear

in any

manager’s offer. He simply bowed and thanked the manager again before turning around

he saw

with his eyes on the

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