Meeting You Was Fate

Chapter 708 The Sixth Sense Of A Woman Is Accurate

Mandy waited for Nathan's response but did not receive any.

At MC Garden

"Mand! Oh, grandpa's baby is here too!" Stanley's grin stretched from ear to ear when he saw Mandy arrived with Adrian.

"Hello, grandpa," Adrian called sweetly.

Madeline was in the middle of stirring the meal she was cooking when the adorable voice of the child reached her ears. She put down the spatula at once and trotted out of the kitchen, a delighted look on her face. "Adrian!"

"Hello, grandma!"

Adrian was no stranger to the elderly couple. Nathan had often taken him for a visit and, from their very first meeting, asked him to call them grandparents.

Nathan, however, did not tell them of the boy's true identity. Not that he was afraid that Madeline and Stanley would fight over the boy, they could dote on their grandchild all they wanted. But, he was concerned that Adrian would remind them of their daughter. After all, when Mandy had left him, she left her parents too.

"Father," Mandy greeted with a slight smile.

"Grandpa, have you been in good health these days?"

The boy's question sent him roaring in laughter and,

sitting down with his legs crossed. His back was ramrod straight as he readied himself to battle with

Stanley looked around

Mandy piped in, a bit too hastily to pass for

fish stew. She stopped mid-stride and deliberately took a detour, stopping in front of Mandy. She scrutinized her daughter's expression, who was lounging on the sofa and playing with her phone. "Did you fight

front of her in protest. She ripped the packet open and said unhappily, "Mom, look at me. I'm

a full three seconds before she conceded, "All right. I know you're very stubborn and will never admit it. Just remember, be gentle

little else by way of

Do you find me annoying?" Madeline snapped, her eyes squinting.

Age had done nothing to blunt her mother's perceptiveness, and Mandy could never hide her real thoughts from her. It was the main reason why, among all the family members, she feared

now?" Mandy asked huffily and tossed her phone aside in a fit. On top of her mother's inquisition, she did not know which client Nathan had gone to see earlier. The man had been ignoring her since this afternoon, which kindled her

you being so childish? Look at your son. He is even more patient than you. Okay, if

her plans for a relaxing visit. She

a white pawn and considering his next move carefully. When he heard Mandy call them

let's have dinner first," Stanley agreed and reached out to rub the

students. But he only took a fancy to the stubborn and moody Madeline. A stark contrast from her husband's gentle demeanor, Madeline had always been blunt and would say whatever she wanted to say. It was a good thing that as

too long since they got caught in a conflict. They had built such sturdy ground that picking a fight with each other had become their way of displaying affection.

dark by the time dinner had finished. One after another, lamp posts along the streets lit up, illuminating the night that had gradually shrouded

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