Meant to Marry Me: Nashville Country Dreams Part 1

Chapter 3: Memories of an Almost Kiss

Watching the guys play pool, Bree sat next to friends she hadn't seen in far too long and tried her best to listen to what they were talking about. Concentrating was hard. She truly hadn't been prepared for Trent to be there, and the fact that he was served as a distraction.

Jason must've noticed her change in behavior. She'd mentioned Trent to him before because he'd come up when she was telling him some stories about things that had happened with this particular group of friends while they were in high school. Jason had specifically asked if Trent was going to be there, which Bree had thought was odd, until now. Jason wasn't the brightest bulb in the pack, but he had to have guessed there was more to her past with Trent than she was telling him.

There was more to it than Bree was willing to admit to, most of the time. The drink in her hand was helping with the introspection, though. Trent still looked good. In high school, she'd catch herself staring at him and have to look away before he noticed. They were friends, after all, nothing more.

Nora was telling a story, and everyone laughed. Bree chimed in, trying to fool them all into thinking she was a part of the conversation, but her mind had wandered back to junior year….

Out in the parking lot, Bree could still hear the music playing in the gymnasium. She felt so stupid, buying a new dress and getting herself all made up--for what? Stupid Chris Smith wasn't interested in her. He'd just been using her to make his ex-girlfriend jealous.

Bree pulled her phone out of her pocket and started to dial her mom. She hadn't driven herself to the dance, so she had no ride home. She might look like a little kid having her parents come and get her, but it beat walking home.

"Bree! Are you okay?"

She turned around to see Trent jogging toward her, the corsage his date had pinned on his lapel a few hours ago a visible reminder that he'd come there with someone else.

"I'm fine," she said, sticking her phone back in her jacket pocket. "I just… want to go home." There was no sense trying to hide her tears from him. Trent knew her better than anyone.

"I saw what that jackass was doing, Bree. I'm so sorry."

She wiped her nose on the back of her hand, realizing she was also still wearing her corsage. She took it off and hurled it across the parking lot. "Why do guys have to act like that?"

he said again, brushing a strawberry-blonde lock of hair away from her face. "Not all guys are like

her arms, not sure what

sticking his hands in


was just kidding, Bree. Trying to make you

"Yeah, except it's true."



on her now, pulling her by the arms so she'd

a moment but then dropped her head. "You're just


and she inhaled deeply, wishing she had a way of telling him she

this up. What would she do without him in her life? Shrivel up and die? Bury herself

was just a whisper in her ear. "Don't give

you kidding? And watch him dance with that

with a bunch of hot guys all night. All right, well maybe not any hot

think he wasn't hot? He was the hottest guy

we're friends. Hell, Missy

know if Missy was aware of that. "Are you sure? I was just going to call my mom. How am I going to get home when

get you home." He slipped a finger under her chin and gently raised her face so she was looking at him. "Bree, Bree… it's okay. You're okay. You're better

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