Married To My Sister's Husband

Chapter 25 Too Valuable For The Truth



After much deliberation with my family, my dad finally agreed to let me get a job.

At first he insisted I worked at his company- Ager automated, one of China's best automation control companies- 2years in a role, but I refused.

I knew my father so well, he would have just had me sit in a pretty office all day without giving me any real or serious task to handle, and that would be even worse than staying home all day.

Being the only daughter and the last child with 3 older brothers, my life have literally been a bed of sweet roses and I didn't like that much, I needed to challenge myself.

I was never allowed to do anything meaningful, and was always babied even though I'm already 23.

I've always envied and longed to be like the women in 2 of the most popular families of Minnesota- the Luthels and the Winfreys, so industrious and independent.

So, after college I tried running away to a smaller country and live a while there in solitude, but my father found me and there I was again, asking for my freedom.

My brothers didn't help matters as they took the roles of big brothers to a whole different level.

So, even at 23 I still never really had a life or pretty much a love life- in general, my life sucked.

That was until I blackmailed my way into convincing my parents that I'ld work for a year before getting married to whomever they've chosen for me, unless I'll just have to tell the whole of China that Ager automated exports faulty products.

Since the Xiang family take great pleasure in deciding who their children's life partners would be, mine was already decided at the age of 17.

But, unlike my cousins and aunties before me, I had the privilege of a year of freedom from my hellish family, so I took it.

I went for an interview at S.Group for the position of Creative Executive that just opened up, and I got the job.

But, the day that was my happiest was my family's saddest and I loved it. I needed space from them, and I wasn't turning back now.

I was also thinking of getting an apartment far from home for the next one year, completely and totally dependent on only what I earn as an office lady.

My plan was simple, get a job, move out, make friends I can drink and have hot-pots with on weekends, go clubbing and stay out late without anybody sending troops of bodyguards all over the city to search for me, and I had just a year to do all these.

I was beyond excited, not just because I was about to take my first step into womanhood, but also because I was about to meet one of my favorite celebrity in the world- my idol, Heather Winfrey.

You can only imagine my disappointment when I found out that there was a new CEO at S.Group. And worse of all, he hated everybody and always yells when something wasn't done right.

My first week here, I had already done an all-nighter 3days in a row, and as the creative minds of the company, it sucks staying up 3nights in a roll.

But today, I still got up from bed, took a shower and hurried to work, because I wasn't going to let a horrible boss ruin my perfect one year plan for freedom and independence.

I presented the pitch my team and I had had to redo for the 3rd time this week, while he just sat there grumpy and ready to judge.

"And what if the cost of projections declines due to the current phase in distribution, what then do we do?" he asked in a serious tone, immediately I finished my presentation.

"Well, the marketing team will have to push up the distribution channels and make it wider, that way even though the cost of projection declines, it won't hurt us. But we cross our fingers and hope there will be no decline in the projection, Sir." I concluded, setting relief in the hearts of my co-executives present.

I looked at him sternly, praying he doesn't ask for a redo, and thankfully for the first time this week, I got a well-done from my overly serious, always yelling boss, Mr. Daniel Winfrey.

But right there and then, he gave another task that we had to present on Monday. I mean it's freaking Friday, and spending my weekend doing work wasn't part of my plan.

I have to do something about this before it turns into an every weekend thing- like, what is the hurry?

It's always as though he's trying to finish a year's work in just one month, and it's starting to take a toll on everyone at the office.

I decided to stay behind after work hours and work on the task alone, while giving my team an off from the week's stress. No way Mr Winfrey was going to ruin my weekend and theirs too, I won't let that happen.

I finished by 2am and was about heading out when I heard him talking to someone on the phone.

Wow, he even keeps late night at the office? What a workaholic.

"Livy, I won't let anything happen to you, but you have to calm down and tell me what is going on?"

"You are not going to be alone, never."

"You need to calm down and listen to me please, you can't... hello?! Hello?! Livy?!..." he yelled through the phone.

Wow, it seems like trouble in paradise, and my curious mind couldn't help but wonder.

Could it be his girlfriend on the phone? I wondered what she had just told him that sent him into a panic.

I was lost in my own imagination that I didn't see him coming out of his office as he bumped into me, throwing me down on the floor.

Why is he always in a hurry all the time?

"Ms. Xiang? What are you doing here at this late hour, shouldn't you be home?" he asked suspiciously, like I was a thief.

"Actually, I was about to head home when I saw your door slightly open and the lights were on, so I came closer to make sure you were the one in there." I lied.

I was eavesdropping, and now I've been caught.

"How long have you been working here?" he surprisingly asked me.

I...have been working here for the past freaking month, how could he not know that? He employed me after all. Am I that dispensable and irrelevant?

"Over a month now, sir." I replied feeling abashed.

Now, I'll really get an ear full for eavesdropping on his phone call. I could tell he's all tensed up, so a yelling is well on its way.

"Ah, so it's been that long. How time flies when you're trying so hard to catch it. I have stayed away too long, and now I'm afraid some damages might have already been done." He stated, catching me by surprise.

First of all, it's how time flies when you are having fun. And secondly, I was expecting some yelling at, not this. This is my first time seeing him tensed and calm at the same time.

Now, I was dying to know what that call was about and who that was Livy? It's a problem I have, my curiosity most times gets the better of me, but what the hell...

"Is Livy the reason why you always act like you are running out of time every single time?" I asked.

Shit, Penelope not again...

"I knew it. Ill have you know that it's rude to eavesdropping on your boss's conversations. Next time this mistake repeats itself, it won't be forgiven. I promise you that" he replied angrily.

Good job Penelope- just perfect.

Now your boss thinks you are a creep, when he's actually the weird one.

I gave up, so I just bowed and let him have the last words as he walked out from my presence.

I might be going insane, but now I'm really interested in knowing what was going on behind that mean and rude demeanor of my boss.



(2weeks ago)

Frank had returned with clues as to who had given those pictures to Livy, and it turned out to be Daniel.

But Daniel didn't start investigating until after he got the pictures from someone else- which he later handed over to Livy, so we had to find out who sent him the pictures in the first place.

I had to call Livy over to talk about it, because if someone else knows about the incident that happened almost 4months ago, then we have bigger problems than we thought.

"Does the name Carlos Gillian ring a bell?" I asked her, as I passed some photos to her- Carlos Gillian's photos.

She looked at the pictures puzzled for a moment, then looked back up at me.

"Yes, it does. He and Sophy used to date, but that was before her marriage to Markian 2years ago...Why are you having him followed?" She asked me curiously.

"Well, it seems this man was present the day of Sophy's accident. She had been seeing him behind Markian's back and was going to run away with him if the accident never happened." I revealed, and I could see the color lift from Livy's face.

"So...this is some kind of revenge?" She asked anxiously.

"Daniel was just a start. I believe he plans to get these pictures to Markian next." I stated.

This threw Livy into a frenzy as she suddenly stood up from her seat. She tried to brush her hair from her face with her fingers, but somehow her hands just froze in her hair as she paced back and forth.

I could see she was suffering as beads of sweat made their way down the side of her face. She was panicking and pacing around my desk without saying a word.

"Livy, we..." I started, but was interrupted with a rather confusing question.

"Why would I kill Sophy, mother? She was my sister and I loved her! I keep trying to fix this puzzle, but no good reason comes to mind as to why I would what to hurt her... Mother, please- please, I need my memory back." She pleaded.

Not this issue again, I thought we were way past these already? I'm suddenly feeling very agitated as to her lack of understanding of the situation we're facing now.

"Why?! Why would you want the memory of you killing your sister back?! Whatever would getting back such a sickening feeling change? Do you think that I just enjoy putting you in harms way? Livy, it was a dangerous decision I had to make that your painful memories be repressed. If I could take your place and forget all the terrible things you've done, I would because it's driving me insane!" I exploded in a fit of anger.

Shit...that came out wrong- no, it shouldn't have come out at all.

"I know that you don't trust me and that you're hurting from my past mistakes. I...know that each time I screw up, it must have been bothersome that you always have to save my ass and cover up my crap. And I know that I'm a terrible person...but I did not kill Sophia. All I'm asking for is just to have my memories back and prove that I didn't do it." she requested eagerly.

would you live with yourself? I can't take that risk,

return for my memories. Please mother, I beg of you" she pleaded with watery

under one condition... that you take over Luthel Inc and my seat at

the bones as she looked at

or have anything to do with the Verc, since she

her lost memories naturally. But if she agrees, and I restore her memories, I hope her sense of responsibility would compel

tend to draw out her uttermost grace and strength, and I pray they would be enough

days ago and asked if it was possible for Livy to regain her memories naturally, and he said yes.

its own way of doing things, and since her memories were forcefully repressed, it created a shift of balance in the

a defense mechanism. Which would result in all hidden memories dug

to warn me but I

future of Luthel Inc and our Legacy, this was my last chance to set things in place since I don't

right to just dump everything on me like this." She

out?" I asked nervously.

to you- just another pawn in your chessboard. I kept thinking how could I possibly be able to convince you to have a surgery- like...why wouldn't you want to live? And now it all makes sense. You were planning to guilt-trip me into taking over from you from all along. I- mean absolutely nothing to you, other than a valuable asset. This company, the Luthel family name is all you care about and not once did you stop

heart to watch her suffer like these. But he who wears the crown, bears the

Luthel Inc and the Verc since it means so much to you than your family. Just give me back my memories and do the damn surgery. I- really want you to live and see the monster you created." She concluded

at this point? I didn't ask for any of these, I never did. But I got

monster is what it takes to protect my family, I'll do much more than that. Hell, I'll even sell my soul to the devil himself if



(2weeks ago)

on the way to being successful. The only thing missing was

Livy wasn't one for

first: they'ld go for a walk at the Glenwood dog park- Livy enjoys watching dogs but

go to the museum of Russian art, to see some arts. Thirdly: a drive to Northside Lake for

Guthrie theater, and then wrap up the

Markian called me to tell me

on the phone. She didn't answer, not until

are you?" I asked clearly upset.

at home, why?" She questioned obliviously.

someplace else you should be- with your husband?" I

date, also it was the day in the week Livy wasn't busy. Markian

the mere idea of a date with Markian. What has happened to her all of a sudden?

one changes so drastically, not unless they've been lying about who


who's influencing you. The Livy I knew would have already called me a hundred times just to ask me for an assurance

you knew'... she is in both our past, so stop bringing her up every

her rudeness, but before she could end the

it all a lie? Was there never a time when you loved Markian? Were you only pretending

to manage other people's own? How dare you ask me if I ever loved Markian! Who are you to ask me about my personal life, huh?! If you cared about your cousin so...much, then you should want what

me pathetic because I tried to help she

If you ain't a coward, then go on a date with him today, sit through it all, then look him in the eyes and tell him his efforts at futile. Tell him to his face that you don't love him and that he should stop trying to fix your marriage. I'll only stop meddling if you're bold enough to say those words to Markian. So stop being a coward and follow your heart like you always have. That's what I admired about you the most" I

have been filled with anger and it did sting a little, but there was a certain bitterness

everyone and everything? But most importantly, why was she

of what I said got to her, but

well because Markian called to thank me for my help, and

left Minnesota for Shanghai because, what Livy had said was actually true and that's why it stung a great deal.

following them myself. Which was why I decided to make things right with Kevin no matter how pathetic I might look

(Present day)

back at Shanghai have been the worst experience

don't think I've ever humiliated myself as much as I've done this past week. I'll

instead of ignoring it and making excuses to forget it, I chased it in hope that maybe, just maybe something good might come out at

happened, but I may have really liked Kevin a whole lot than I actually thought I did. And believing that he was always going to be around, I took him for granted.

since I decided to follow my own advice, I had to be true

wanted to see the moment I got off my flight, but I had a lot of meetings and follow-up meetings to attend, I also had

investors, shareholders and marketing team needed to be introduced to their new CEO personally, and it was my job to

Kevin works. I could see my reflection from

will recognize me, I still had a disguise on. I had a scarf that covered my head and

already asked for Kevin to be called out if he wasn't busy, so all I just had to do now was to

minutes later I saw him step out in his white coat. Damn...I suddenly

at the hospital when I first saw him standing at the reception desk.

away with one of the ladies over at the receptionist desk, something about a patient's mother creating

I was still able to understand with the way he

and I immediately blushed. I quickly finished signing off my examination

that about him, so I gave him my

ran out I got a call from him and we met up at a club, then

out as a fling was going to turn into whatever I was feeling now, which is compelling me to do things I've never done before.

to the parking lot like he

but I remembered that that was the plan, at least until he

He asked worried

our shoulders like we were doing something suspicious or

been returning my calls or messages, I thought

and he was being distracted with continuously looking to see if

his eyes focused on me and only me. My hands felt hot from the touch of his skin and my heart was beating faster, and for the very first time in my

I sensed what was coming next, I had seen his eyes and his pupils didn't dilate at the sight of me anymore.

here, and rejection have never

the next moment he was trying to push me away, to break away from our kiss- my kiss, and soon he

have done that, Heather- you shouldn't have..." he warned breathing heavily and so

was sorry, and that you're not just a booty-call or a boy-toy to me. I should never had treated you like one either, so I'm very sorry, Kevin. I'll do better this time, I'll make things right..." I

he pulled me close enough to wipe my tear

were all over the place and I had a tight

should have read meaning to what we had...It was wrong of me. But..." he stated but

please... we can start

exactly what he was about to say and I just

these feelings in you and that was wrong of me, because you

I look like a kid who

ass woman for crying out loud.

me like a fool because I'm not"

of you house that night. Whether it's regret or guilt, it only started and intensified with every minute you tried to reach me but I wouldn't reply. I don't think one needs a big event to cause a realization in their heart of how much they love someone- I don't believe that. If you truly love someone, you'll know from the very first moment." He stated calmly, and I understood where he was getting at even though I

by taking you for granted, because...because I never really thought you'll ever leave. I don't want to not have you in my life...isn't

it's love at first sight. So, what's wrong if it's one or the other. Isn't main concern the fact that it's

the right person for you, Heather. I'm so sorry." He revealed as his hands slowly dropped from my

up. I came here to get my man and

of all the rules? It's fine now, we can both go on dates and hold hands in public- anything you want, I'll do it....Hell- I'll even

We are still getting to know each other but I really do like her and I want

has it

know you as much as I do? Does she

you love me, but I'm not me when I'm with you. Have you thought about what happens next? Fine, we kiss and make up and eventually starts dating, then what else? You'll always have to pay for every meal, every ticket, and I'll always have to concede to you because I can't afford the things you like and the places you go to. Your type of things, they ain't my type of things. I'll always be in your shadow because you are-

learn to step back, to concede and let you take

that wouldn't be you at all. And just like how I don't want to change for you, I don't want you to change for me or anyone at that... Please believe me when I say i didn't make this decision in a haste. I thought long and hard before making it. I'm so sorry, but- this is the end for us" he concluded, as his hands

stood there sobbing uncontrollably, unable to move a muscle.

people manage these feelings after a breakup? Because, my feelings were all over the place. I felt like screaming at the top of my voice, but I

coming here in the first place- I should have just taken the hint already. Or if I had tried to fix things earlier, before going to Minnesota, maybe things would've turned

also sad because for the first time in a long time, I felt something strong for a guy but like last

parking lot and that wasn't me. I don't cry, I haven't

bowed and the scarf that covered my head and neck were getting soaked

alone?" he asked making

who was being so insensitive to my pain, there he was in all


came to Shanghai few months ago, I was really excited to be working with Heather because, I've heard so much about

with such poise and grace, it would take

keep a leveled head and compose myself because I heard she had a strict policy about mixing business

realized how her discontentment towards me increased as well as her lack of concentration and

brother that was getting her on edge and making her lose focus, until I realized she was

little clarity that she had a guy, I couldn't help my jealousy and irritation so I became a little hard on her, making

gave me a nickname (Mr. Rude), but I didn't mind at all because it was her.

chance, but something about her just beckons me and no matter how hard I try to ignore it, I just couldn't help

to help out with the shareholders'

was excited when I found out I was eligible to vote for anyone I wanted to vote for that

the Decels Digital project together, but it didn't happen- and she even got furious at me.

because I had no reason not to go ahead with that

fan of arranged marriages, but if it's with Heather- there's nothing I wouldn't

a spare thought to it and that stung a bit. I still wanted to help her by giving

hate me and I

want to be friends.

so I left for Shanghai hoping to see her again when

week she got back to Shanghai and not once did she try to meet her

have it, I went to Xia Lufang Hospital to do some donations and there she was at the parking lot

my blood pressure spiked at that moment and I'm sure anyone around would have

I couldn't

to her that was

march up to them and put an end to this torture. Yes! Watching her cry

now, I wanted to be the one

moved closer, staying in the shadows as not to cause

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