Love in Prime Years

Love in Prime Years

Authors:Jessie Moss
Num Chapters:80
Newest Chapter:

Chapter 80 He Wronged Amelia

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When Lawrence was young, a master told him that he was destined to be lack of sweetness. He did not pay attention to his words! Sweetness, who cares? Until that day, when he held the box containing her ashes, he realized he was missing her. Amelia always thought love is mutual: you love me, I love you, and the two hearts were bonded with each other, full of joyous. Until she was sent to prison by Lawrence, dying, while seeing him in love with another women. She realized the so-called love was just a flower in the mirror, the moon in the river. After a nirvana rebirth, Amelia was protected by a trillionnaire president....

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Love in Prime Years

Love in Prime Years

80 Chapters

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