Love Aint Always Pretty

Chapter 27: 27 Ichigo Ichie

Ichigo Ichie

- "One time, one meeting"; an encounter that only happens once in a lifetime, reminding to treasure every moment for it will never recur

Origin: Japanese


I was alone by the lake while the others transferred to the pool area. The circle grew smaller since Romeo and Megan went inside both drunk, Tracy and Clyde left and were drunk as well while Aries was having his migraine all of a sudden so he needed to sleep it off. Penny, Nick and Alec were left there and since Nick told me to leave the circle cos Penny was being her drunk self and kept firing insults at me, he told me to rather leave.

All of a sudden a bottle of beer was handed out to me and I looked around to find Alec. He smiled at me, "Beer?"

"No thanks." I answered.

He sits right next to me and we were both now looking at the peaceful lake, he was drinking the beer instead. "Where's everyone?" I asked.

"Drunk. Asleep. Maybe drunk screwing."

"Drunk screwing?" I laughed. "How's Penny?" I wasn't concerned about her but I was obviously asking that question cos I wanted to know if Nick was with her.

"Totally wasted. Nick's walking her to her room." Alec answered.


Nick is walking Penny to her room. She's obviously planned this. What if she's going to lock him up in her room? What if she's going to seduce him? What if Nick will fall for it? Will Nick fall for it? Oh god what if they're going to fuck?

I gaze at Alec and he was just busy looking at the lake. I wonder why they became best buds when Nick is the total opposite of Alec. His platinum blond hair is glowing and his brown eyes were focused on the moon. He has this clean cut look than Nick. He has no facial beard and he's a looker too but not as eye candy as Nick. He was a lot more friendly and talkative as well.

"How long have you known Nick?" I asked Alec as I was trying to ignore the fact that Nick is with Penny right now. Though I'm really bothered about it.

"Since his balls were still tiny."

I laughed and noticed that Alec was laughing with me.

"So that means... You're as old as him then?" I asked.

He nods.

"How old were you when you got to college?" I asked curiously.

"We were both twenty."

"Why? Why did you go to college late?"

He didn't answer quickly anymore. I watch him as he takes a drink from his beer and then another quick one. I think he was looking for the right answer or either he's thinking about telling me what he knows.

"Money." He answered but his eyes were so distant.

"I promised him we'll go to college together. We both had to save for it and there were other reasons too." He answer.

Other reasons?

"Nick isn't really a bad guy Savannah. He may be mean to you and to others. But he's not what he looks like." Alec says.

I know Alec. I thought.

"People are scared of him cos he looks badass but Nick is the opposite to that. He's always misjudged cos he doesn't smile at all. He pretty much changed and became coldhearted when we got to college." He said to me while his eyes were so distant.

"Why?" I asked.

He gazed at me.

"Why did he change?" I added.

Both of us stared at each other like it was a staring contest until Alec starts laughing softly He smiled. "Why so curious about Nick all of a sudden?"

Shit. He caught me.

"Nothing." I looked away.

met a man as mysterious and as stoic as Nick."

He snorted. "Good word. I personally think

"There's more to know

I just smiled.

both at the kitchen a while ago, I sensed that there's something going on between you and him. I thought he was into you."

My eyes widened. "Why?"

seen Nick interacting to a woman as much as the

said it so seriously and my poor heart can't contain. It feels like it's about to jump out of my chest. "What happened to him eight years

at each other again and no one dared to talk. I can see from Alec's eyes that

it's time for me to hit the sack now. Kind of getting sleepy. It's

He's avoiding my question.

going in


Just be sure

and I was left contemplating about my

"Savannah." Alec called out.

and heard him say. "If ever you have something going on with you and Nick. Whatever that is, I'm advising you now

smiled. "There's nothing going on

you say. Night


the water. I wish Nick will open up to me. Whatever happened to him eight

and he doesn't want me to know more about him. He's so close to himself

sitting on the edge of the pool all to myself still thinking about what could've happened to Nick that changed him. I know Alec was talking about Nick when he said that. Suddenly all of the pool lights were

you to be here alone." That

down right next to me and dipped his feet into the water too. I was glad he's here and he went out

you cold?" He

bikini. I looked down at myself

"Not quite." I answered.

chuckled deeply. "Why aren't you

aren't you?" I

here." He glanced at me. "I couldn't leave you behind

say to make me feel like this I'm a quick second. He was leaning a little back with his

concerned now?" I


face fell

blue eyes at me.

not really comfortable talking about

a sudden he stands. "Wanna


use of that bikini you're wearing. I feel like getting

Holy god.

it on the

splash noises and since the pool lights were turned off, I'm sure we won't be seen. Now I know why he did that. Sneaky Nick.

and we were both playing under the clear water. We pulled our heads out of the water and tries to catch our breath. I haven't done this and it's kind of thrilling and exciting. Thrilling because we both want to do something right now but there are others who might caught us. Exciting because his delicious body is distracting me hornily and that's not

hair over his forehead and his body glowing. Oh Jesus I need to get use to his body. But every time he looks at me and those blue eyes are looking into mine, my mind keeps on questioning me about his past and I know shouldn't be bothered about it but it makes me so curious. He's

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I don't want him to think that I'm starting to be concerned about his past cos that'll just mean I'm putting something in between us. He wants it plain physical and I need to

house. "Everyone's

at me. "Now where have we left off a while ago at the kitchen?" He is now

back passionately slow and his tongue quickly makes its way into mine, licking my tongue. He pulls one of my leg up and I locked it around his waist as I feel our kisses gaining more passion and I feel him moaning on my mouth. He bites my

not here." I said breathlessly as I pull myself

his forehead on

bring a condom?"

I need it everywhere


shoulder, I see Tracy from

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