Love Aint Always Pretty

Chapter 1: 1 Collegium


- an educational institution; college

Origin: Latin


"Yes mom... Okaaay mooom. I heard you. I said okay.... Yes I will mom!" I rolled my eyes as I was busy and struggling on grabbing my luggage out of the house with a phone in between my shoulder and ear.

My mother has always been the worry-freak whenever we're far from her or she's abroad with dad cos of work. One time, I remember when I was still a kid, my brother said that she even went to my brother's camping at two in the morning cos he forgot his mosquito spray and well technically he got embarrassed by it. He lived with the embarrassment until he reached eighth grade. I know it's normal for moms to act that way and worry cos that's part of their jobs but our mom is a very worry-freak even to the smallest details in our lives. I think we sort of got used to it now we've gotten bigger.

"Mom, will you please stop panicking? I'm just going to college, I'm not leaving for somewhere totally far away. Tell dad to be safe on your way to England and yes I will definitely take care of myself. Do not worry about me." I muttered.

"Is that all the luggages you got?" I hear Cameron popping his head out from the trunk.

"Yeah. This is the last one." I answered him.

"Well hurry up."

"I'd be faster if you'd offer me your help. " I rolled my eyes at him.

I still hear my mom saying out all the things she listed on her notepad that she always bring with her wherever she goes. She needed to say everything to me before I set myself to college, and everything means every little thing. I basically know that parents are always worried about their child getting to college, and since they are not here cos they're in Brazil on their way to England, Im in the agony of getting a long phone call with my folks and my mom worries even ten times more than the usual. Since my parents are both full time surgeons and part time business owners and are always abroad cos of work, they're always away from us. Yes, this jerk named Cameron is my older brother.

"You're such a slugabed." He whines as he placed my last luggage on the trunk.

"You're such an asshole." I fired back.

"Mouth, Savannah." I hear my mom say over the line.

"Sorry mom. So, do you have anything else to say to me? My ears are hurting." I said.

"Hand your phone to your brother. Please." She says.

"Gladly." I answered.

I hand my phone to Cameron and both of us got inside his black ford pick up truck. He was talking to mom and I was massaging my ear. I pulled the seatbelt and watch Cameron dying on his car as he listens to mom's nagging. I could tell mom is yelling at him cos I could partly, hear her voice. He's in trouble for leaving me home alone last night for a night out with his friends and he's giving me an eye for telling mom about it.


him suffer. Cameron is older than me for six years and he's still an irresponsible jerk. He still thinks he's a teenager who doesn't have a responsibility over his shoulders. No, he's not a father yet but I meant me and Ingrid, that's his responsibility. We're his responsibility. Ingrid is our little

on our company as an employee, a regular employee and he's been whining about taking over my dad's company but sadly dad

mom. Have a safe flight. I love you too. Yes. I won't."

his hand

lucky you're going to college today and I'll miss your

was so sweet. Wow. I'm tearing up already." I rolled

dad are letting you major in English Literature.

in a publishing company someday. I might even write an article about you by the time you'll be taking over the company. Just like you

and when that's going to happen." He rolled his eyes at me.

gates of WSU, I was enthralled. I

him laugh as he pulls himself away from him. "Maybe a little. You take care okay? Stay away from those frat

We may fight a lot but he's been a great brother and he's very protective of me. Plus we're really close. I walked to the dorms and looked back only to find Cameron getting inside his car. I waved him goodbye and he flashed his headlights at me. I continued walking and finally had my keys for my room. I passed by

roommate is on

started unpacking my clothes and placed my stuff on the closet right next to me. I saw some clothes are already here but no one is around. I walked back to the door to make sure if I got inside the right room and I know I did. I folded my clothes again because well I don't like to get messy with everything around me. I'm very tidy. Well thank god for mom's chores and first aid orientations

had cup noodles for dinner since I was too lazy to grab something lavish and since it was very convenient and cheap, I think it'll work for me. My roommate still hasn't come here and I wonder how she looks like or perhaps at least just know her name. There's no photographs by her bed either so she's really a complete stranger to me. And since I don't know anyone

roommate still isn't here. There goes that bang again that made my heart race. Shit it's coming from the door. My door. I grabbed my phone and

walked to the door and hoped that it wasn't some crazy killer or a ghost. Christ, is there a ghost here in the ladies dormitory? I reached for the knob and a knock by the door again made me jump back a little. I feel the hair on my skin is standing up. I exhaled heavily before opening it. Once I had swing

He's drunk.

He's really drunk.

"Who are--"

he dropped front into me while my eyes widened. He hugged me that made me squeal. I was caught off guard. Damn he's so heavy too! I tried to push him off of me but he's really heavy. I hear him snoring on my neck, what the hell? Is he asleep? I just don't know what to do with this man at all. I

think he

is he here?

his boyfriend. Is she expecting him

As I move towards the other bed to let him sleep there, I fell out of balance since his foot was blocking me, the both of us dropped on the floor. There was a loud thud of me falling on my back. He's on top of me and my back hurts when I landed on the ground. My spine is aching.

if he's even a student around WSU. I pushed him off of me and I quickly

you?" I asked nobody in particular but my eyes

head was hanging back and I was unsuccessful about it cos I couldn't carry him all alone. So I just let him sleep

mess at three in the morning. I don't wanna sleep either cos what if he's gonna wake up and rape me or what if he's just acting drunk. I

inside my bag and I found some crackers. God I'm going to take a proper meal next time. Cup noodles won't do. I sat down on my bed again and after a little while, he's waking up. His eyes are actually opening, but just slightly.

I exclaimed, making me drop some crackers on the

for letting him in and kept scratching my hair. I headed out of my

his vomit at least so he'll wake up smelling shit. Damn it, I'm cleaning up a mess of this man who I don't even know. And even if he's obviously handsome, it doesn't change anything that he's making me work out at three in the

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