Keep you in my arms

Chapter 3 It Is Really Painful

"Since you helped me, I might as well return the favor! I'll run the shower!" Angela jumped up giddily, like a child who had just been told that Christmas was coming soon. She thought of all the things she could pull, now that he was the one being compromised.

As she touched his hand, he immediately recoiled. It was as if an electric wave had thrown him over, and he was shaking more than ever.

"Damn it!" he spat out.

Was she even thinking? How could she touch him at a time like this? He was a bomb about to explode, and she'd just lit the fire!

However, Angela didn't think of that. Instead, she had an inkling that he liked men or was impotent. Those were the two reasons she figured out why he strongly disliked her touch. She didn't realize how dangerous the situation she was in. Angela could only see how humiliated and tormented he was, and her eyes glinted with mischief.

"You'd better get out now!"

Edward warned. Although he only took a few sips of the coffee he had been served, it felt as if his entire body was burning with desire. If he hadn't been better at controlling himself, he'd be fucking the woman who'd just served him the coffee!

However, the desire to have someone was getting stronger and stronger. Edward didn't know how much longer he could keep his sanity.

"Get out now!" he commanded again, his vision already blurring.

Angela thought nothing of this, shrugging. 'He doesn't like women anyway, so this would be the best time to retaliate!'

Ignoring his warning, she skipped happily into the bathroom and turned on the tap. "I'll help you open the water, so you can take a bath slowly," she instructed as if she were talking to a two-year-old boy. "Don't worry, I won't disturb you."

She was about to leave, when she turned around. "If you don't like this method, you can go to Room 708. Don't worry! It's already paid. Plus, it's a man who'd entertain you."

She stressed out the last sentence.

'A man?'

His eye twitched.

go when the door slammed

widened in fear. She screamed as she was

her head with the other hand and forced her to face him. Without another thought, he sealed

had no problems

wouldn't have asked for this. However, it was too late now. He had torn his way through her

tore her body apart. He wasn't even trying to be gentle as he squeezed into

and it wasn't because she

guy she could give it to. Angela once fantasized of people doing impulsive things for the name of love, but she wasn't expecting that she'd give her

to her. All he did was use her to

It was terrible!

lifted the quilt angrily and sat up. In the corner of her eye, she could see a stack of cash on her bedside table. It was probably worth around eighty thousand. There was

fingers curled

that price? Did he think I'm that cheap?' She fumed. This was not how her first

and fished out

she blasted out at him. "Not enough?" she demanded. "I'll show you who's not enough,

widened upon hearing her voice. He smiled. "How much

gritted her teeth. "I want to

the cafe on the first floor of the DC Building. I'll be


didn't take her long enough to spot him. He was sitting in the corner. Occasionally, someone would pass by and nod at him. However,

soon as she walked over, he stood

many people. When there

She sneered, slamming the bag filled

looked around to see that this had attracted a

could even hear their faint

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