It'll Come Naturally

Chapter 181 Today Is My Birthday

"What? She got hurt? Why don't I remember anything about this? Is it serious?" Annie asked in a state of panic. She wondered what she had done yesterday. And how things got so serious.

"Don't worry, it's a minor wound. It will recover soon. Don't feel so guilty about it." Rain didn't expect this reaction from her. He tried to comfort her. But he didn't intend to hide the facts.

"Really? I don't remember what happened yesterday. How come Daisy was bringing me back?" Annie thought carefully but failed to remember anything. Was it a coincidence that they met in the recreational place? But that was highly unlikely. Annie thought.

"I heard that the bartender had called Daisy. You had her card with you." said Rain. He reached out his hands and held her cold hands with some hesitation. Annie turned stiff by his action. His big hands were quite warm. The warmth was like an electric current that shocked her into numbness. Her heart was beating faster. She glanced furtively at his handsome face. She knew she would be mesmerized by his charming face under any circumstances.

"Oh! Is Edward angry with me?" asked Annie Thinking of this attractive and handsome man, Annie seemed a little wavering with her question.

"No, he's not that mean." Rain pursed his lips and said. Edward was not angry with Annie, but that didn't mean he was not angry with Daisy. He seemed furious last night. It appeared that he would blow his top any second.

swirled, bellowing with the speed of her steps as if she were dancing like an angel who had just

had faded. He could feel it from her estranged behavior. If it was like before, she would be leaning on his shoulder fondly. However, now he

Rain had faded with time. No one belongs to another indefinitely. When the time

Rain was being so cold to her. Maybe she was only a sister in his eyes. 'He's not excited about

at the same table, but they were thinking about different things. They carefully examined each others' expressions. The atmosphere was very strange.

At FX International Group

Justin's presence had already made her sad.

long time and when she finally saw Edward come in, she quickly embraced him and greeted. She smiled at Edward sweetly. It showed that she had spent a lot of time

here?" Edward asked with a smile. She was Daisy's elder sister. She was calling him brother now, it sounded awkward. Edward thought.

Mary asked while looking at him, her eyes were full of expectation. She was afraid

into his office. He shot a look at

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