Ice and Fire

Chapter 28 Divorce Agreement (Part One)

John looked at Cherry and asked,"Is it because of Sally He? Has she come back?"

When John mentioned Sally He, Jackson was shocked and wondered how John had guessed it right.

Cherry could not believe this. She looked at John and asked,"Do you also know her?"

Hearing Cherry's question, John knew that he wasn't wrong. John was now certain that Sally He had come back, because she was the only person, for whom Uncle Jackson could give up everything. So many years had passed, but Sally He was still very important to Jackson. Several years ago, Jackson had stood against everyone to protect Sally He. He had even asked his great-grandfather to order her protection. Now, Sally He had come back, so Jackson did not care about Cherry anymore. Jackson could only love one woman and that woman was Sally He.

John did not answer Cherry's question. Instead, he looked at Jackson and, with irony, said,"Uncle Jackson, after so many years, you've changed but you still love the same woman."

Jackson did not know what to say when he heard this.

"Many years ago, you stood against everyone for Sally He. And now she is back. Will you go back to her?" John looked into Jackson's eyes and was not afraid of him at all.

Cherry listened and suddenly felt that John knew more about Jackson's history than Stephen. But then, she thought that made sense. After all, John was Jackson's nephew, so how could he not know these things?

Sally He leave?" Cherry did not know why she asked this question, but

Before John finished his sentence,

punched John's face angrily. John began to resist and

say it, I'll certainly destroy

you want to hide this from Cherr?" John dodged Jackson's punch and said,"I'll

woman. Don't you

you mean Cherr or Sally He?" John then suddenly asked,"How about I take

at once!" Jackson's eyes were filled with anger, which showed that

looked at the two and thought to herself, 'They are not fighting for me. They are fighting over Sally He. Is Sally He really

had longed for too many things. She now hated herself. Why had she fallen in love with Jackson? If she had not, she wouldn't be so sad now. Instead, she wouldn't care about this thing and would just live her own life,

Cherry wiped away her tears

prevent her tears from falling down. She told herself,"Cherry, just

night, Cherry did not turn on the light. She had been sitting on the sofa at home, waiting for Jackson to come back. However, Jackson hadn't been home for quite some time, so

living room and switched on the light. When he saw Cherry sitting on the sofa, he was shocked and quickly walked up

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