I will never be yours (Kian and Selena)

I will never be yours (Kian and Selena)

Authors:Melan pamp
Num Chapters:170
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Information of I Will Never Be Yours novel:

CP: alpha Kian and Selena

The novel I Will Never Be Yours begins with Selena being banished from the kingdom by Alpha Kian and fleeing from the arrogant ruler. Currently, we see Selena being captured by the king's bodyguards. She was taken to the prison for interrogation and torture. Kian sees her in prison, but he doesn't seem to remember her because she has no scent at all. When Selena is tortured and dying, Kian remembers her and saves her from the other men in her pack.

Despite saving Selena, Kian was cold and refused to treat her as his mate. However, as the story progressed and as they were forced to face challenges in the herd, Selena and Kian drew closer together.

Readers Ratings of I Will Never Be Yours novels:

If this is your first time reading a werewolf novel and wondering if this is the book for you, we've got you covered. We have analyzed the book and listed the main elements of the novel so you can know more about it and decide if the book is right for you. Nothing annoying, let's get into it.

Where should you read the full I Will Never Be Yours novel?

The book I Will Never Be Yours has updated the latest and most complete chapters at website swnovels.com. Update daily to get the latest chapter of this novel here.

Above is information about I Will Never Be Yours novel. We hope you enjoy the content of this book. Leave a comment if you have any questions about this book at here.

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I will never be yours (Kian and Selena)

I will never be yours (Kian and Selena)

170 Chapters

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