Chapter 34 Bitchy Vibe

A knock on the door drew Jared’s attention away from his memories. “I came over because I spotted light in your room,” Makenna stated as she walked in. She had put on perfume and her dark blue robe was loosely wrapped over her body, showing her fair and smooth collarbone. She

looked and smelled enticing.

She moved in close to Jared, saying, “I made you this. It’s refreshing,” as she placed the drink.

on the table.

“I’m done. I found this when I was looking for ink just now,” Jared said, pointing to the drawers

full of letters. “Look at all these letters we exchanged.”

When Makenna saw those letters, her heart skipped a beat. “It’s been almost six years and

you’re stil! keeping it,” she said, trying to mask her uneasiness behind a grin.

“These are priceless memories,” said Jared.

Because she was the first woman he fell in love with. Jared thought as he softly stroked those


“I’m here with you now,” Makenna hugged Jared, “You don’t need those letters anymore. Why

don’t you toss them away?”

She went on because Jared had not responded, “Let us now live a decent life; we don’t need to

exchange letters anymore; let the past be history, or do you still want to exchange letters only?

You don’t want to be with me, do you?”

Looking at her sad expression, Jared felt his heart throbbed, and he agreed that those letters were no longer necessary now that Makenna was in his life.

hair, “I’ll have the maid take care of

body drew her forward, and she

on his chin, instead of pulling her into her

upper body. But this didn’t compel Jared to


and have the freedom to do whatever we

Chapter 34 Bitchy Vibe

by the clear rejection

intimacy whenever they wanted because they were already a couple living together, but

replied, glancing at her misty eyes, “You’ve just recovered. You need

right,” Makenna said as she snuggled into


well for Amber

there is a packet for you from Mr. Cohen,” her secretary said, interrupting her

engrossed in

send me?” Amber murmured something incoherently


Maxmatch that caught her attention; it appeared to be a detailed proposal created specifically to acquire

call as soon as she

Cole remarked, “But we don’t have enough cash flow

you right now.”

million going to be enough?” Amber inquired after reading the facts, which said that the purchase price was between eighteen and twenty–eight


did you get

“From Jeremy.”

of money for a model; if I ever go bankrupt,

my next job.”

won’t make a

why did Hayden send you the proposal he

abruptly hung up the phone,

babe. You didn’t have time for me when you were married, but I’m guessing you’re available

anything else. She

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