From his look, Jack would know Kennedy was his Daddy.

“How do you know?” Kennedy suddenly thought of a very important thing, after the staff left, he pulled Alice to the sofa and asked with a serious face, “Did you tell him about me?”

Alice only told him she would find him a daddy, but she did not know how to answer Kennedy’s question

She didn't know.

Seeing that, Kennedy gave a sulk face.

“Did you not mention it at all?”


“Do I really carry so little weight in your heart?

“Kennedy, I...”

“Not even worth mentioning?”

Alice, “Can I talk?”

He sat there with a livid face, staring at Alice sharply. Alice did not know how to explain to him.

“What do you want to say? Go ahead.”

“I told Jack I would find him a Daddy, but...”

“But you didn't think it was me, did you?”

“No!” Alice interrupted him, “Don't be so bad-tempered. I'm with you, and you're still so mean to me?”

Hearing that, Kennedy calmed down.

Yeah, she was with him. Why would he yell at her? Whether she said it or not, Jack would be his son, or he would be called daddy.

At this thought, Kennedy pursed his thin lip and then said.

be mean.

here, waiting for my son to open

her eyes wide, “You really want to stay? Didn't




Alice, “...”

time, she got up, “Stay as you want, I will leave you alone.”

take a bath, anyway, Yanis would not

out her

ask Yanis when she would come back, she felt she was still

before Yanis answered the

hot breath on her neck. Alice did not need to


rang out from

not know what

say swallowed back when Kennedy came.

you calling? What's the matter?” Yanis's voice sounded low, like it was deliberately lowered. There

her lips

“Nothing, it's nothing.”

was something wrong with you.

to hang up the phone, Alice exclaimed. Yanis reflexively grasped the phone and asked nervously, “What's wrong with

was flurried, stretched out her

up her skirt and poked his hand in.

a fright.

answered while pushing

push him away. Not for

not hung up the phone, breathlessly listening to her movement. She said with doubts, “Are you really all

voice sounds dumb. Afraid of Yanis’ doubt, she could only answer, “I just want to tell

bit her lower lip and almost cried out.

Alice’s ears got bursts of fever, if it went on, Yanis would find it

hesitation. Kennedy took it and placed it on the table, and then got her hands and pressed her

lips and his eyes were sharp.

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