Three hours had passed , and I still wasn’t able to sleep . Every time I shut my eyes , I was either seeing Alejandro telling Jasmin to ignore me or him saying he couldn’t mark her . I pushed the covers off , now agitated . I had blocked the mind link off because I didn’t want to talk to anyone , and I was glad Mom hadn’t tried to bother me . We both needed to calm down .

I had even texted Raven , filling her in on everything two hours ago , but she must b e asleep now … The forty – minute shower I had when I came up wasn’t enough to relax me … What should I do ? A sudden thought came to me and I smiled . I knew what I should do … and it was already late , no one would be awake . Kicking off the covers ,

I jumped out of my bed , wincing at the pain in my ankle . I paused , remembering how it hadn’t hurt when I had lunged at the Wendigo … Did m y ability have something to do with that ? I would need to trial it out another time . I didn’t want to attract Wendigos .

I pulled my hair into a messy bun and left my room . I used the light on my phone to see as I made my way silently downstairs . My feet padded lightly on the steps . I entered the kitchen , feeling a little chilly in my black shorts and crop top . I’m sure it will heat up once the oven was turned on . I turned it on first before I began taking the ingredients for brownies out , placing them on the island in the centre .

me get a good night’s sleep . I frowned , unable to find the plain chocolate bars . I closed the drawer and

far up ? Tiptoeing , I grabbed two bars , turning as a shadow loomed in the door . I almost dropped

to come downstairs . I refused to look him in the eyes , but even

…. I looked away , trying to move past him , but he didn’t budge . Reaching up , he grabbed a bar . I closed my eyes , trying not to inhale his intoxicating scent . His arm brushed my shoulder and I

first bar of chocolate , I began to break it up , placing the nutty parts in

picked up some of the chocolatey nuts that I had separated , popping them into his mouth . ” Why didn’t you allow me to reject you ? ” I asked , mixing the chocolate chunks before I returned to the rest of my mixture , my eyes trained on him . He frowned , and for a moment the

A harsh reply was at the tip of my tongue when he spoke . ” You smell like hazelnut chocolate . ” I looked at him , surprised at the random comment . Our eyes met and I wasn’t ready for the emotion in his , emotions he tried to hide and

fuck it is . ” He said , giving a cocky look . ” No , you don’t .

placed it into the oven , setting the timer . With nothing to do , I realised I couldn’t avoid him …. I scanned the kitchen , desperate to keep myself busy so gathered up the dishes and placed them in the sinis ” I know I hurt you … Your Mom fucking gave me that shit after you left the zoom But trust me , I’m a fucking monster . I didn’t reject Jasmin to … You know

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